An evolving digital IT organization rides above the learning curve to improve IT and overall business effectiveness, responsiveness, flexibility, agility, and maturity.

Running an Evolving Digital IT Organization
- An Evolving Digital IT Organization Due to the exponential growth of information and emergent lightweight digital technologies, IT continues to grow in importance to organizations, both operationally and as a competitive advantage. Exemplary proficiency in planning, building and running IT is just for openers, the forward-looking companies already move beyond the IT/business alignment stage, leading the continuous transformation of the business in areas such as new business model development and the innovative use of information - these are the areas where enterprises make new markets or take leadership positions in existing ones. To put simply, an evolving digital IT organization rides above the learning curve to improve IT and overall business effectiveness, responsiveness, flexibility, agility, and maturity.
- Mastering the Complexity of the Digital CIO Role: Due to the abundance of information and omnipresence of technologies, IT plays a pivotal role in the business’s digital transformation journey. Therefore, digital CIOs have to wear multiple hats and play different roles in the information-abundant organizations today. Nowadays, the CIO is not just managing IT to keep the lights on, but managing information to ensure the right people getting the right information at the right time to make the right decisions; and it takes visionary leadership in orchestrating digital transformation journey smoothly. Digital transformation represents a break with the past, with a high level of impact and complexity. So how can IT leaders master the complexity of the digital CIO role in order to lead effortlessly?
- Three IT Practices to Achieve Digital Excellence? Digital transformation is a leapfrogging change. The most difficult topic during transformation is managing uncertainty especially when you change many things: people, technology, processes, culture, systems and organization at the whole in the same time. It is a complicated moment for all people in the organization at all levels. More often than now, IT is at the unique position to oversee underlying business processes and weave all important elements of the company into business competency. IT also needs to make continuous improvement and delivery to achieve digital excellence.
- The Race for IT Relevance: Due to the changing nature of technology, the saying about the demise of the internal IT has been around for years. In reality, the majority of IT organizations get stuck in the lower level of maturity, slow to change. CIOs are in the hot seat to run the race for IT relevance, with the pressure to transform IT from a cost center and a commodity service provider to a value created business growth engine. But, how?
- Digital IT Sense of Achievement? The majority of IT organizations today are often overloaded and understaffed, running as a support center, being stuck at the lower level of maturity, and not getting fully respected by business peers. In most cases, the IT department isn't producing anything that is saleable and, therefore, many in the organization will view IT as something that seems to ceaselessly suck up money with the very little return on investment. Digital CIOs as top business leaders, how to renovate the tarnished IT image and manage IT with a sense of achievement?

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