Saturday, December 16, 2023

Paris’s Museums and Expos

Learn the Paris Way – mixing natural beauty with human made miracles; blending historical heritage and contemporary ingredients smoothly to create something new and renew humane society constantly.

After taking a high speed train from London to Paris, I took the public transportation to the hotel which was located near a large plaza. It was a rainy day, but I still walked through the different streets across the square. The subway station is at the center of the square, That is Paris, with many square plazas decorated by sculptures, architectural buildings, with polygonal streets distributed in different ways, going beyond just east-west-south-north four directions. 

Often, the pedestrian sidewalks are very spacious, people walk at the center of the road. People in Paris are friendly, they enjoy their afternoon coffee or tea, and they start to decorate the street with holiday lighting and ornaments.

Eiffel Tower: On the morning of the second day when I arrived in Paris, I went to the famous landmark of Paris: The Eiffel Tower, which was designed and built in the 19th century and named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel.

It was a rainy winter day. In the early morning, tourists were already lined up to visit one of the tallest architectural buildings in France, 300 meters to the top. The Eiffel Tower has stood up there firmly hundreds years long, watch over her city vigilantly, and greet people coming to her openly. Unbelievably, this slender tower can hold about 5000 people.

It was crowded, I guess it is so at most of the time and in any season, just be patient. It took me at least half an hour to buy the ticket to get to the top by the elevator. As the weather is cloudy, standing on the top of the tower, the city view is not so clear, the window view is blurred, a little bit disappointed. As I expect to oversee Paris with visual delight. But standing on this 300-meter-tall building, the feeling is still very special, seeing the cloud fly over, and it seems you can touch the sky easily. Although the paranormal view of Paris is not so clear, why don’t we open our mind, close our eyes to imagine it – page by page with its thousands of years of history.

Then, I took the elevator down to the second floor, now the city view become much clear, you can see Paris metropolitan areas from different angles, the Seine river flows across this big city endlessly; the arc of triumph stands up there solidly; the Place de la Concorde lies Avenue des Champs-Elysées. Many people like the second floor the best because of the clear view of the city, more spacious to hang around, and there are quite a few exquisite gift shops, restaurants around. It is chilly outside, but the gift & coffee shop is very warm. You can read books, sip a cup of tea or coffee, and enjoy your time at the tallest building in France.

After leaving the park, you can still watch Eiffel Tower from different angles, on the bridge across the Seine River, or at the hills with some historical architecture buildings. The Eiffel Tower looks elegant, but not arrogant; it guides over the city with its mother river Seine dedicatedly; it is beautiful, but not fragile, stands firmly, watches over the city courageously. The Eiffel Tower is made of iron, but not cold, and it greets people from all over the world warmly. It is omnipresent, you can see the tower from many places and from different angles across the city, isn’t it one of the greatest architectural miracles in the world?

Louvre Museum:
The day after, I visited the Louvre Museum, one of the biggest art museums on earth, with a great collection of sculptures, oil paintings, art collections, anthropological discoveries, etc. Statistically, Louvre Museum has more than 380,000 objects and displays 35,000 works of art in eight curatorial departments with more than 60,600 square meters. The collection in Louvre Museum is divided among different curatorial categories: Egyptian Antiquities; Eastern Antiquities; Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities; Islamic, African art. The artwork made of jade is my favorite session. I also like many lady and gentlemen’s sculptures, which are impressively-designed, and artistically crafted.

Honestly to say, it’s a bit overwhelming to see too much artwork in such a short time. Doing deep research takes time and energy. Either appreciating those culture heritages or criticizing those artworks, we should do enough homework, discover our interest, learn and relearn all the time.

So after visiting the museum, I walked across the bank of Seine, let the wind blow up my mind, had the rain clear my face, strolled through the city aimlessly, relaxing myself and becoming the outlier of this culture-enriched metropolitan city. We should capture special scenes to fit our own interest, we need to explore further and deeper to match our own paces. Of course, the next stop I need to go to is the Paris Science museum for the next day.

Paris Science Museum: After a bit of saturation with art, the science museum is the good choice for me to fit my background, pursue interest, reimagine modern society and see through design/manufacture complexity behind the scenes.

The next morning, when I visited the Paris science museum, there were very few people. It looked slightly empty when I walked through the hallway on the first and second floor. Slightly disappointed, as there are not as many collections as I expected, maybe because I’ve already visited quite a few science museums across the world. But there is a big capacity and it touches quite a few areas from space to ocean. There are scientific facts & experiments, planet illustration, robots, ocean creatures, a biological garden with interesting plants. I wish they would create more “WOW” factors to reimagine the future of the world. Later, there are many students coming to do their science projects or play video games on different floors. It's an educational place which enriches people living there, not just for delighting tourists.

Palace of Versailles:
After staying in Paris for a couple of days, I learned to be a local, becoming fluent in using transportation tools to go anywhere freely. So I decided to visit the palace of Versailles, as the Château de Versailles is the most famous castle in France, but it is not in downtown Paris, but about 19 kilometers west of Paris, France. You need to take the subway and then train to get there. During the period of my visit, the routing was changed, so again, global strangers in Paris helped me navigate the directions. I spent almost the entire day visiting Versailles on a heavily windy, raining chilly winter day.
It is not so disappointing to visit one of the most important historical castles in France, appreciating art, learning history, enjoying a beautiful garden (just too windy on that day), and understanding deeper about western art and anthropology.

There are numerous sculptures, statues, oil paintings about the historical figures, ancient life in France, the wars, people’s daily life, the palace of King Louis IVX, and a lot of art collections. Sculptures of many fair ladies or men, kids are still my favorite sessions, vivid with artistic touch.

Paris exhibitions: In Paris, I also participated in an information technology exhibition and an education expo, getting in touch with the modern pulse of this dynamic and diverse capital city. Seminars are educational, audiences are energetic, and staff are friendly. All of which make the Paris Way – mixing natural beauty with human made miracle; blending historical heritage and contemporary ingredients smoothly to create something new and renew humane society constantly.


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