Monday, November 8, 2021


Knowledge does not stand still, and knowledge is not an isolated fact but interdependent, it needs to flow and transfer for achieving its business value.

Information is exponential and knowledge is only a click away nowadays. There is false information, knowledge becomes outdated sooner than you think. Knowledge is one of the most crucial assets besides people. As the "rhythm" of Knowledge Management needs to be synchronized with the rhythm of work. 

 How can organizations today take an integral knowledge management approach to realign, recycle, and reinforce a smooth knowledge management cycle for rejuvenating knowledge transferring innovation and developing a knowledge based workforce to improve organizational learning agility and management maturity.

Knowledge re-categorization & classification:
There is a mix bag of quality data and fake information; there’s fresh perspective and outdated knowledge; there’s subjective perception and actual reality. Knowledge is not always created equal; some knowledge makes a more significant impact on inventions or innovation than others. Nevertheless, the border of knowledge domains is blurred, cross-disciplinary knowledge is powerful to solve many of today’s over-complex and interdependent problems. Thus, knowledge re-categorization or reclassification becomes a necessary angle to refresh knowledge for generating fresh insight, realigning knowledge with problem-solving disciplines for creating new value.

To move forward from a knowledge economy to a creative economy, keep recycling knowledge and recirculating imagination. Interdisciplinary work is almost the order of the day in which contrasting ideas, views will surface. Knowledge re-categorization shouldn’t be simply a mechanical type of work, but an organic effort – you expect to use knowledge to create more ideas, fresh perspectives, challenge common beliefs or conventional wisdom, etc. Resetting criteria to categorize knowledge perhaps helps us understand varying subjects contextually and nurture creativity intellectually. Imagination matters, cognitive intelligence matters, personalization matters. Someone’s knowledge is your information only. Categorize your own flavor and decompose. The subject domain gives you something to think about and knowledge to understand from a scientific perspective; but the personalized tones and themes in art allow people to break down the old knowledge box, deepen their understanding of subjects and generate something fresh.

Knowledge resource integration:
Corporate knowledge management today is complex as silos stop knowledge flow, and outdated knowledge creates confusion and leads to ineffective decision-making. With the mixed bag of new information and outdated knowledge, the management knows the tasks and knowledge required to sustain itself and creates an environment and business systems to reach a well-defined vision for unleashing collective potential. Knowledge assets are a blend of resources which includes knowledge, education, training, insights, experience of the people who comprise the company. By integrating, you are creating a case where you force an organizational knowledge alignment to knowledge asset integration

Knowledge cycle is shortened. Knowledge asset scanning is vulnerable to the context of time and place. The value of knowledge is emergent and not always known at the time of a reductionist scan. Thus, knowledge cannot be managed like other hard assets. Knowledge does not stand still, and knowledge is not an isolated fact but interdependent, it needs to flow and transfer for achieving its business value. The knowledge deployment has to consider agency and interdependency of ownership. Therefore, knowledge integration also needs to be dynamic, involving realignment, recirculating, reimagining all the time.

Knowledge management governance is crucial to ensure knowledge quality and integrity: Knowledge integration is very simply the task of connecting divided information or knowledge subsystems so people can share and consume each other's knowledge resources, etc, smoothly. The goal of knowledge management is about optimizing processes to keep knowledge flow and update for maximizing its value creation. The purpose of knowledge integration is to enforce collaboration and unification in order to create business synergy and catalyze business growth continually.

The valuation of knowledge assets is crucial to the process so that knowledge is an asset and it has value. However, many knowledge management solutions cannot capture the “expert knowledge” effectively; much of what is captured, stored, and delivered is shallow information - not expert knowledge; or some knowledge is outdated, hasn’t been updated on time. It is crucial to validate and establish cohesive governance and risk management for data, information, knowledge, and wisdom, to ensure knowledge quality, consistency, ROI, security, and interoperability, for maximizing the value from knowledge management.

Data, information, knowledge, insight and wisdom are the different stages of the information life cycle that organizations need to manage more effectively to build an intelligent organization and smart workforce. A structural knowledge management solution needs to explore the breadth and depth of knowledge, its prospects and practices to improve the collective learning agility and organize knowledge into deep understanding and true wisdom.


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