Thursday, June 22, 2023


Societal advancement can become more reachable when we appreciate each other’s strength, complement each other’s mindset and capability; set principles to build common ground, and lift each other via mutual trust.

Nowadays, businesses are boundaryless, the linear perception needs to be replaced by the nonlinear business perspectives. The goal-seeking organizations become more purposeful, organic, the technical behavior is replaced by socio-technical behavior. 

Business transformation is all about improving the flow by dismantling bureaucracy, delayering the organizational structure, eliminating outdated mentality, methodology, practices, applying interdisciplinary knowledge to lead changes, and discovering the viable path for business progression.

Irrationalism & illogic:
We are approaching the era of people-centricity, however, humans are sometimes "predictably irrational" in face of “VUCA'' normal. Often irrational mentality and illogical solutions are reality. Some problems seem irrational as they are caused by people’s emotional reaction to a set of circumstances. In a knowledge society, we assume that we encourage information based communication, follow rational problem solving scenarios. But, in fact, experience tells us that we observe highly technical people acting on impulses/gut feeling or so-called “irrational mind” in spur of moments to become part of problems rather than solutions.

Actually many of the difficulties in problem solving come from subtle psychological factors; Irrational mentality and illogical approach stifle change, make the business vulnerable to risks, and cause business failures large or small. Business management needs to identify the pain points through logical reasoning, holistic understanding. The cross-functional, inter-disciplined, and open-minded teams are able to resolve problems effortlessly. Accomplish change by applying fine-tuned processes, and effective risk management.

Ignorance & pseudonym: Pseudo-involvement is a symptom of a sort of a pretense of engagement; the management pushes for change; Leaders often assume they can pretend to involve people but actually they ignore the psychology behind changes, they do not pay enough attention to their input at all. Although employees change their behavior for a while, their mindsets and attitude stay the same. Pseudo-planning is sometimes caused by pseudo-intelligence, without good planning, implementation becomes aimless and ineffective.

To overcome “pseudo” effects, it is important to gain empathy, improve people-centricity. It’s important to leverage information-based analytics to do the planning, and enhance an iterative planning-implementation continuum. Good planning is goal-directed, purposeful, and intelligent. The goal of change management is to transform staff emotion from pseudo to enthusiastic, from reactive to proactive; streamline a healthy psychological cycle from denials-to-resistance to engagement to commitment.

Inappropriateness & unprofessionalism: It doesn’t mean if you had a profession, you would automatically be a well-respected professional with high professionalism. Being professional means you present a certain quality that shows a high level of excellence & value. Unprofessionalism implies ineffective communication, incoherent behaviors, insufficient skills, etc. It suffocates individuals or businesses' potentiality, decreasing business value. It leads to outdated thinking, misjudgment, drives ineffective problem-solving, further causes the business fragility.

It’s crucial to know we all have a cognitive bias, whether individually or collectively. Professionalism development is a progressive journey for instilling professional thoughts, cultivating good attitudes, and step-wise actions. Professionalism is a crucial characteristic to run a people-centric business.

The world is hyper connected and interdependent. From one generation to the other, from the siloed industrial age to the hyper-connected digital era, we now steadfastly move into today's hyper-connected digital era. Societal advancement can become more reachable when we appreciate each other’s strength, complement each other’s mindset and capability; set principles to build common ground, and lift each other via mutual trust. And such a progressive journey should never end.


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