Thursday, June 15, 2023


Organizations today cannot be organized only using the mechanistic paradigm that resulted in bureaucracies, but should be fine-tuned to increase growth flexibility.

Being professional means you present certain skills to do certain work with quality; you can constantly update knowledge or skills to make accomplishments. There are times when we do not realize we are so powerful until we get hit by an outside coincidence to bring it up. 

We never know how strong we are until being strong is the only choice we have and begin appreciating our own inner qualities and differentiated competency.

Information fluency: We live in the era of information abundance, with the overwhelming growth of data and often technology-led digital disruptions, people with a learning mind see unique patterns and make fresh connections that others overlook. When these connections are structured in a meaningful way, leaders are better able to retrieve and apply knowledge effectively. Knowledge management shouldn’t be simply a mechanical type of work, but an organic effort. Information is not for its own sake, but about putting profound knowledge, processes, and tools actually used into actions and producing better results.

Growth flexibility: Things will go stale if not moving forward. Strengthening our strength and improving our weakness is a unique path we each need to take to improve quality, build our core competencies and niche expertise. Improving learning agile means to learn from different channels, and transcend information to knowledge to insight and ultimate wisdom for improving professional maturity. Collectively, there is a variety of recategorization, generalization, specialization, inference & deference logic in science and there are a handful of themes and tones in art for us to capture fresh insight, set new standards, recreate something fresh, increase growth flexibility.

Nonlinear understanding
: Large, complex problems are complex and multifaceted, So we shouldn't berate ourselves for silo thought processes, but we should feel pleased when we leverage different thought processes to solve problems. It’s important to bring a group of people together with cognitive differences, diverse experiences, differentiated capabilities, or unique strengths etc. They do not have the same view of the small part of the world that the team is dealing with so that they can complement each other’s viewpoint and bridge the variety of differences. The overarching purpose of technology and abundance of resources empower people to transcend the current level of thinking that created the existing problems to the next level of understanding by using nonlinear logic and collective insight.

Organizations today cannot be organized only using the mechanistic paradigm that resulted in bureaucracies, but should be fine-tuned to increase growth flexibility. The business management issue is really about how to build the best mixture of organizational elements that enable the organizational interdependence and harness change through less hierarchy, agile processes, to streamline knowledge fluidity, appreciate people-centricity and build core business competency.


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