Wednesday, June 14, 2023


Are innovators among us, within us, can we spot them by- how they think, do things differently; empower them to -shape a better world, inspirationally?

Among us,

there is-

all sorts of talent, potential,

unknown, odds;

among causes,

human beings are-

self-evidently one of -

the most intelligent,

have the greatest power of -

choice, extensive ability to-

understand, direct other causes, influentially.

A selection among-

 multiple choices is-

a decision;

people discover -

who they are based on-

how they choose;

among the obvious of -

human's actions over which-

choice is influenced by-

the powers of-

thoughts & reasoning,


assemble sequence-consequence chains,


The world is-

becoming bigger & bigger,

year by year;

among variety of differences,

we generate-

more and more ideas,

connect wider & wider dots; to

expand innovation landscape, accumulatively;

the globe is -

becoming smaller & smaller every day,

all people have to-

step into -

the uncharted waters,

blurred territories, inevitably;

are innovators among us,

within us,

can we spot them by-

how they think,

do things differently;

empower them to -

shape a better world,



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