Thursday, June 16, 2022


Large scale of change - digital transformation is inevitable, being “pushed” by both visible forces and invisible forces, hard forces and soft forces from multiple directions.

Change Management is all about balancing the main business elements impacting the organization such as people, strategies, processes, structure, or information technology. Some major barriers to successful change are the lack of sponsorship, change methodology and structural approach. Change is more than a goal, it must be accompanied with well thought out execution plans, processes, and methodologies. 

The reality is that organizations that do not respond to external environmental changes will quickly outcompete as nimbler and more adaptable companies catch up and take their customers.

The top executive sponsorship is critical for Change Management success: With the increasing speed of changes, business leaders couldn’t predict the future with a certain degree of accuracy, but the rate of change has accelerated, indicating that business leaders must learn how to strike a balance between managing complex issues today and predicting the uncertain issues of tomorrow. To change an organizational system, you must understand the concept of the true meaning of the nonlinear organizational dynamic, and identify disastrous blind spots in order to make timely decisions for driving smooth large scale changes.

Change is never for its own sake; never assume you know what the problem is. With the breakdown of physical barriers and blurred digital territories, making changes and solving complex problems today requires perceptive intelligence, multidisciplinary knowledge, profound insight, enriched experiences, taking an end-to-end response, a structural and an iterative approach. The right mix of bottom-up and top-down change management practices are crucial to embed change into business DNA and integrate change management into strategy management for building the business change competency.

Build the “employee inputs – feedback management –empowerment of change agents” value chain to lead people-centric changes:
There are changes we desire, and some imposed on us. There are strategic changes and tactical changes. Change management needs to determine what constitutes each of the parts and the strength, and direction of the various links in the chain of change to improve organizational adaptability to a rapid change environment. Knowledge, leadership ability, education, training, employee commitment, trust, experience, etc, are all great ingredients to change success.

Change management needs to empower change agents, evangelists via the right change incentives, welcome constructive feedback to clarify the root causes of problems (why) and the very goals or processes (how) to change. The intention to give feedback needs to demonstrate candor, quality, insight, etc. As a feedback giver, you should take the responsibility of the words you say, and in a positive business atmosphere, empowerment can multiply performance by quantum levels because it demonstrates management's respect for the employee, your tangible and bold statement that the employee is valued and trusted. more importantly through front-line employee’s commitment to change, and bottom up collaborative effort, change can become part of reality on a daily basis, significantly improving change management success rate.

Optimize organizational structures and processes to improve business agility:
In traditional organizational structure, the business processes and structure are formal and even overly rigid. Thus, silos and command & control causes decision ineffectiveness and even business stagnation. Loose coupling makes it possible to change the component without affecting the entire organizational system, as long as the structure and interface are kept stable. With emerging digital platforms and technologies, it is important to identify the unofficial structures and take them along on the journey of innovation and change. Ideally, the unofficial structure that has emerged over time is the formal structure you should have to improve cross-boundary communication and collaboration. Within a well-aligned structure, that dedication and effort may be spent on driving changes and doing more with innovation.

A highly adaptive organization is an organic system which is able to re-configure its own structure and change its own behavior during the execution of its adaptation to environmental changes. Organizational change management today is not just about a few spontaneous business initiatives for reacting to business dynamics, but structured and well-planned efforts to make continuous improvement. Change is not easy; culture inertia is part of reality. Organizations need to have objectivity; as you cannot assign work to people based on individual bias and prejudices. Therefore, it’s important to make dynamic planning; scrutinize common sense, read between the lines, get to know the past to a certain degree, and predict the future scientifically.

The large scale of change - digital transformation is inevitable, being “pushed” by both visible forces and invisible forces, hard forces and soft forces from multiple directions. It is a long journey that needs a clarified vision, a larger strategic investment, clearly-defined goals, and a stepwise change scenario. The path for business transformation can be iterative, evolutionary, revolutionary, or disruptive. Information Technology is often the driving force behind digital transformation. So behind synchronization, it’s information technology and knowledge management synchronization. The insight-driven digital transformation can create the synchronization of all functions running seamlessly to create synergy, expedite change performance and improve organizational maturity.


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