Monday, June 13, 2022


 Highly influential communicators can speak different languages, facilitate cross-boundary dialogues, and bridge multiple gaps.

Now we are moving into the hyperconnected, interdependent digital era, business leaders shouldn’t continually practice “command & control” management style only; professionals can't just sit back, get stuck at the homogeneous team setting, and apply yesterday’s techniques to today's problems. Cross-silo or cross-divisional communication is crucial to bridge gaps and close blind spots in decision-making. 

Cross boundary communication with a structural process enables business leaders and professionals to look at the wider aspects around problem space, co-develop fresh ideas and solve problems innovatively.

Listening: Communication is a “two-way” street; listening "attentively" and actively is considered to be one of the most critical communication skills that comprise emotional intelligence to gain information and show respect to other human beings, inviting the speaker to explore the answers that lie within their own hearts and minds. Listening with the eyes; seeking the full meaning of what is being shared, giving attention to non-verbal communications, with the intention of linking into the emotional spectrum in self and other. If you send out a feeling of respect towards others, you listen more selectively.

When you listen and find out the others’ purpose behind conversations, identify and respect, whether you agree with it or not, be non-judgmental, then you can connect, talk about it, discuss it and many times, they will get more insight and will look at conversations differently and be able to fine-tune their own purpose. For customer-centric conversations, it’s important to provide choices for customers on how to solve their issues by listening to their feedback. To co-solve complex problems that involve multiple parties requires a lot of listening and an enormous amount of convincing power.

Inquiring: Cross-boundary communication is often complex, because there are multiple dialects, cross-knowledge expertise, and diverse culture involved. Besides listening, inquisitiveness is the human’s cognitive improvement for thought provoking activities to harness strong communication. The good question brings multifaceted perspectives which could be complementary or fresh. Asking questions is a non-offending way of making the point not only understanding the point of view of another side, but also challenging conventional understanding of problems that need to be solved.

Asking questions tells that you pay enough attention to others’ conversation and collect more feedback about certain topics. A series of questions that are asked not only to draw individual answers, but also to encourage fundamental insight into the issue at hand. The key point is to use the right questions to slow down the analysis and decision-making processes to acquire all the necessary information sufficiently to make effective decisions.

: Because people who have different cognitive skills, knowledge base, diverse experiences, cultural background, often understand and articulate things differently. Misinterpretation is caused by perception gaps, language or cultural gaps. To enhance cross-boundary communication, the key is language to fit different audiences without “lost in translation.”

Even if two people observe the same thing or participate in the same conversation, they could perceive the situation and convey the message differently. It’s critical to leverage a more open and interactive communication style to bridge the multitude of gaps, connect the minds and hearts for deepening understanding to improve communication effectiveness. So collaboratively, the team with complementary mindset and skill set can sustain diversified viewpoints into holistic perspectives without enlarging cognitive gaps and harnessing cross-boundary communication fluency.

Speaking: The goal of professional communication is often to share information and enhance trustful relationships by listening and telling properly. Encouraging people to speak, engaging in candid “give and take” communication is a powerful way to build trust and loyalty. There is top down communication or bottom up conversations; there is time to listen and time to tell.

The participants must be able to use logical evidence and avoid personal attacks, appeals to authority, and misrepresentation of ideas, to harness communication effectiveness. If you only listen, but don’t tell- actually communicate thoroughly, you might be an order taker. People down the organization need to be encouraged to speak up and tell the truth to the upper level. Creativity is encouraged, great suggestions are adopted, communication catalyzes change and stimulates innovation.

: The reciprocal relationship describes a situation in which two parties promote each other in order to gain a mutual benefit. Modern digital technologies bring unprecedented levels of convenience for people to communicate reciprocally, brainstorm and share, to improve their professional skills continually. Until you tune into 'the right frequency,' you receive what is sent out through your own channels.

We do not have to agree with one another in order to learn from and with one another and produce fresh ideas and build trust. Empathy is an ultimate level of human cognition of being non-judgmental, active communication and balancing between tolerance and respect to achieve that. Once a person understands that we all have different lenses, perceptions in the way we look at the world, it becomes easier to open your heart to another person and connect minds to drive needed changes.

Effective communicators are working hard to spread clear messages through a diverse set of activities with mixed communication styles and keep communication flow with verification. Highly influential communicators can speak different languages, facilitate cross-boundary dialogues, bridge multiple gaps, understand the interdependence of issues, recognize and diagnose the plethora of contextual factors inherent in the circumstances, to lubricate relationships and solve problems smoothly.


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