Sunday, April 16, 2023


If you get -distracted, overbooked, nature encompasses you for -discovering inner impetus, hidden talent; latent potential; keep yourself fresh…

Our globe is full of-

beauty and mystery

nature has created -

so many great phenomena,



tens of thousands of -

birds gather in -

flocks called murmurations,

exhibiting strong spatial coherence,

amazing synchronization;

ocean waves and tides,

four seasons of changes,

provide the impetus to-

her evolutionary agenda,


Authenticity, growth, autonomy are -

the digital theme,

in human society;

people are accountable for -

their own words,

their own commitments,

with no external impetus;

they should be-

accountable to themselves,

focusing on -

what they need to achieve,

alongside the inner drive as impetus,

with a sense of urgency.

if you get -

distracted, overbooked,

nature encompasses you for -

discovering inner impetus,

hidden talent;

latent potential;

keep yourself fresh,

you won’t show up with-

stereotypical images,

but keep unique, energetic, bright;


Information is -

flowing boundarylessly;

knowledge is -

a only click away;

societal ecosystem provides-

unprecedented opportunities to -

strike an inner-outer balance,


are we able to -

engage all people involved in-

shaping growth mindsets,

setting innovation as -

a principle,

information technology as a tool,

creativity as-

the best professional quality,

to provide the impetus for -

advancing humanity,



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