Tuesday, April 18, 2023


Change is reality; progress is -an unfinished journey; not only what- we do today will change - tomorrow positively or negatively; but every second and minute, change the one that comes after, promptly.

nowledge never ends,

learning never finishes.

listen and hear what -

people are saying,

or trying to say;

capture their ideas, perspectives,

share yours, open-mindedly;

brainstorming is-

an unfinished journey of -

connection with-

ideas, also people,

to stimulate-

creative energy,


Problems are-


your solution is unfinished;

if you do not understand -

dynamic environment,

never look outside-

the boundaries,

ignore -

the interdependence of -

seemingly different issues;

can you keep-

insatiable curiosity,

stay learning agile,

handle unfinished work,


Change is reality;

progress is -

an unfinished journey;

not only what-

we do today will change -

tomorrow positively or negatively;

but every second and minute,

change the one that -

comes after, promptly;

when there is-

an interchange of thoughts,

we begin accepting and opening to-

newness, innovate, together;

involve and engage,

emerge and evolve,

continue unfinished journey of-

societal evolution,



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