Friday, April 14, 2023


Quality is about doing certain things, meeting well-set criteria for achieving high performance results.

Digital organizations arise when the scale of the interrelations, interactions, or inter-relational interactions surpasses the silo-based organizational capacity. Quality management ensures that in an organization, products or services are consistent to meet customers’ satisfaction. Digital Quality management needs to take an overarching approach with multidisciplinary practices. Quality is everyone’s business.

This book “Quality Master: The World Class Insight about Quality” is not about discussing specific quality standards or techniques well adopted in different industries, but for sharing some insight on how to understand the multitude of quality attributes from different perspectives, recognize quality champions to inspire quality culture, set digital principles and develop the best and next digital quality management practices.

              Innovative Qualifier 

Illustrateualitychampion Organizational excellence is achieved by delivering qualified products or services and continuously improving business performance. Quality Management is not one department’s work, as a degree of quality is in everything people do and experience. Quality is not just the specific task of one single business department or function as well, it is one of the business management disciplines which needs to be taken in a systematic way. Quality management is like change management, needs to be embedded in the corporate culture. Functional managers need to become quality champions for quality control and quality assurance, and they are the quality masters to run the high quality and high-performance digital business.

Identifyqualitychampions In digital organizations, quality management is not the job of one department, but an overarching management approach. Quality masters are digital leaders and employees who can work independently and collaboratively, have excellent problem-solving skills, well disciplined, bring positivity, quality thoughts, attitude, behavior and quality management techniques to the workplace and build a high quality and high-performing business.

IlluminateBoDsQualifier Quality is about doing certain things, meeting well-set criteria for achieving high performance results. You have to define what you mean by “quality”; then the required quality with all its aspects should be defined and understood by associates for producing desired outcomes.

IlluminateQualifiers Information & Technology plays a crucial role in driving changes and making a leap of the digital transformation. IT organizations touch both hard business processes and soft human behaviors. IT management maturity is not based on how many years IT organizations have been around and keep running to support the business; but about how well IT can bring value to the business growth and provide innovative solutions to meet customers’ needs and build business competency. Here are three qualifiers for running digital IT organizations.

Inspectionofficer Every company desires to have 'quality software.' But the challenge is that many people struggle to provide a definition or rationale. It is an age-old adage that you can't nail software quality down to a single definition. And perhaps we try too hard to come up with one-size fits all into a single sentence. In fact, there are quite a few perspectives on quality software.

Quality is about doing the right things right the first time. High-quality enterprise consists of high-quality people, products, or services; business capabilities and processes, etc. To effectively lead the organization to reach the next level of business maturity, it’s important to shape quality as the mindset and quality as the management discipline.


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