"In order to be a realist you must believe in miracles." -David Ben-Gurion

A-Enterprise Architect and BA-Business Analyst are two interesting business roles that cause a lot of debate, it may indicate both roles are crucial at the hyper-complex enterprise today, also reflect two talent trends in 21
Synthesis vs. Analysis: Enterprise Architect is a "synthesis" role - key words are holism, visioning, aggregation, while Business Analyst is “analysis” role-key word are artifact, insight, segregation. EA’s main focus is on understanding the links between the parts, as EA needs to synthesize the holistic business view to ensure enterprise as a whole more effective and efficient than the sum of parts; while BA needs to analyze and solve the specific business problem via gathering inter-related data & fact. Both EA and BA could be process-driven, EA with the synthetic mind, helps to blueprint the future of business; Business Analyst with analytic mind help breakdown the problems, they may have complementary skills to solve complex issues
Insight vs. Foresight, Reality vs. Future: EA needs not only to walk through today’s enterprise, more importantly, but it also helps to perceive the future state of the business; while BA needs to focus on reality, untangle current business puzzles. Business Architecture and Business Analysis are linked to each other in a closed reinforcing loop (analysis provides "insight" to synthesis, while synthesis provides "foresight" to analysis) - each feeding on to the other for a better outcome (which is understanding and management of business complexity).
Accuracy vs. Betterment: Two roles may focus on different business objectives: The BA works towards the accuracy of the representations (e.g., artifacts, models, etc.) of the current state of their projects and/or business areas for localized decision making. The EA works towards enterprise “betterment” (which is dependent upon the enterprise business strategy & future state of business) which leads to decisions that affect multiple projects and/or business areas that embrace collaboration, consolidation, and reuse.
The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function. One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless and yet be determined to make them otherwise."
— F. Scott Fitzgerald
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