Welcome to our blog, the digital brainyard to fine tune "Digital Master," innovate leadership, and reimagine the future of IT.

The magic “I” of CIO sparks many imaginations: Chief information officer, chief infrastructure officer , Chief Integration Officer, chief International officer, Chief Inspiration Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, Chief Influence Office etc. The future of CIO is entrepreneur driven, situation oriented, value-added,she or he will take many paradoxical roles: both as business strategist and technology visionary,talent master and effective communicator,savvy business enabler and relentless cost cutter, and transform the business into "Digital Master"!

The future of CIO is digital strategist, global thought leader, and talent master: leading IT to enlighten the customers; enable business success via influence.

Monday, October 21, 2024


Strategy Management methods and practices including strategy maps, scorecards, etc, improve management disciplines and lead progressive changes. 

Running a successful organization depends on how effectively they can implement good strategies. There is often a gap between those who develop the strategy and those responsible for implementing it. Organizations struggle to turn strategic visions into concrete, executable plans.

It's important to take a structural assessment framework for assessing both hard and soft success factors, improve the success rate of strategy implementation, and accelerate high performance results.    

Assessment: Evaluate communication effectiveness: Assess if the strategy is well understood across the organization. Review the effectiveness of strategy communication methods. The key is to systematically evaluate both the outcomes and the execution process to determine if the strategy is being implemented successfully and delivering the intended results. This allows for timely course corrections as needed.

Alignment: Assess organizational alignment. Alignment refers to ensuring that the organization's strategy, goals, and activities are in sync across all levels. Determine if structures, processes, and systems support the strategy. Evaluate if roles and responsibilities are clear. Check if incentives and performance management align with strategic priorities. Key aspects include:

-Providing clarity of purpose and direction

-Setting clear expectations for performance

-Communicating how each team and individual contributes to the overall strategy

-Ensuring employees understand the strategy and their role in executing it

Ability: This focuses on developing the skills and capabilities needed to execute the strategy effectively. It involves:

-Identifying the capabilities required by the strategy

-Assessing current talent and skills gaps

-Providing training and development opportunities

-Making strategic hires to bring in needed expertise

-Nurturing talent to ensure future success

Architecture: Architecture refers to designing organizational structures, processes and systems that support strategy execution. This includes:

-Streamlining the organizational structure to align with strategy

-Optimizing business processes for efficiency

-Implementing supporting technologies and systems

-Creating governance mechanisms and decision rights

-Designing performance management and reward systems

Agility: Agility is about building the capacity to adapt quickly to changing conditions. Key elements are:

-Developing situational awareness to recognize changes in the environment

-Creating flexible organizational structures and processes

-Fostering a culture of innovation and learning

-Empowering employees to make decisions and take action

Conduct periodic strategy reviews: Hold regular strategy review meetings. Involve key leaders to discuss progress, challenges, and needed adjustments. Here are some key elements for assessing strategy implementation:

-Review progress against goals and objectives:

-Compare actual results to the targets and milestones set in the strategic plan

-Evaluate both quantitative metrics and qualitative objectives

-Assess progress on key performance indicators (KPIs)

-Analyze the execution of strategic initiatives:

-Examine if key projects and initiatives are on track

-Review resource allocation and utilization

-Evaluate adherence to timelines and budgets

-Review resource utilization: Evaluate if financial and human resources are being deployed effectively

-Assess if capabilities and skills match strategy requirements

-Analyze operational metrics: Review key operational indicators tied to strategic objectives

Assess efficiency and productivity metrics

Building dynamic capabilities to sense and seize new opportunities: The framework emphasizes that these elements are interconnected and mutually reinforcing. By focusing on all these areas, organizations can build a robust capability for strategy execution that allows them to bridge the gap between strategic planning and performance. Leaders should assess their organization's strengths and weaknesses across these dimensions and take action to improve execution capability.

Monitor external factors:

-Analyze changes in the competitive landscape

-Evaluate shifts in customer needs or market dynamics

-Assess the impact of economic, regulatory, or technological changes

-Gather feedback from stakeholders: Conduct surveys or interviews with employees, customers, and partners. 

-Get input on implementation challenges and opportunities for improvement

Balanced Scoreboard to measure performance holistically: A balanced scorecard can facilitate data-based communication and performance review. As people can see what the outcome will look like throughout the transition, and then there should be a consideration for a balanced scorecard that measures the progress of the strategic goals you want to achieve. Use balanced scorecard or strategy map: Leverage tools to visualize and track strategic objectives across key perspectives.

Enterprise Strategy Management methods and practices including strategy maps, scorecards, customer profitability analysis using activity-based costing principles, customer intelligence, process management, and quality management, improve management disciplines and lead progressive changes. 

Influence & Instruction

Influence and instruction via personalized training can significantly influence both individual employee development and broader organizational outcomes by increasing engagement and improving skill acquisition and application. 

Personalized training involves ongoing evaluation and adjustment; continuous reassessment of individual progress; real-time feedback provided to learners and instructors; and learning paths adapted based on performance and mastery of concepts.

Here are some key points about how personalized training can influence employee development and organizational outcomes.

Data-Driven Insights: Personalized learning platforms often provide rich data on employee skills, progress, and areas for improvement. This data can inform broader talent management and workforce planning strategies.

Alignment with Business Goals: Personalized learning allows organizations to better align individual development with strategic business objectives. It enables more targeted upskilling and reskilling efforts to meet evolving organizational needs.

Improve Engagement and Motivation: Personalized learning leads to higher engagement as content is more relevant to individual learners. Employees are more motivated when training aligns with their interests, goals, and career aspirations. Engagement rates can increase significantly, feeling more engaged with personalized learning.

Enhance Knowledge Retention and Application: Tailoring content to individual learning styles and preferences improves retention of information. Personalized approaches allow learners to progress at their own pace, leading to better understanding and application of skills.

Improve Performance and Productivity: By addressing specific skill gaps and aligning training with job roles, personalized learning can directly impact career performance.

Fostering a Learning Culture: By making learning more relevant and accessible, personalized approaches can encourage continuous learning and development. This can lead to a more agile and adaptable workforce.

Personalized training can significantly influence both individual employee development and broader organizational outcomes by increasing engagement, improving skill acquisition and application, enhancing performance, and fostering a culture of continuous learning aligned with business goals. Personalized learning helps employees develop skills aligned with their career goals, increasing work satisfaction and loyalty. It can be a powerful tool for attracting and retaining talent by demonstrating investment in employee growth.


The novelty of thoughts can lead to increased creativity, problem-solving ability, and innovation across various fields.

As businesses and the world move deeper and deeper into the digital world of VUCA -volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. There is as much creative thinking that goes into problem identification as solution discovery.

Novelty of thoughts refers to the generation of new, original, or innovative ideas. Here are some key aspects of novel thinking:

Breaking patterns: Moving beyond established thought processes. Challenging assumptions and conventional wisdom. Exploring unconventional connections between ideas

Cognitive flexibility: Ability to switch between different concepts. Adapting thinking styles to new situations. Considering multiple perspectives simultaneously. 

Divergent thinking: Generating multiple solutions to a problem. Exploring many possible answers rather than seeking one "correct" solution. 

Brainstorming without judgment: Merging unrelated ideas to create something new. Finding analogies between disparate domains

Synthesizing information from different fields

-Imagination and creativity

-Visualizing new possibilities

-Engaging in mental simulations

-Creating fictional scenarios

-Curiosity-driven exploration

-Asking novel questions

Investigating unexplored areas

-Being open to new experiences and information

-Insight and "aha" moments

-Sudden realizations or solutions

-Restructuring of mental representations

-Seeing problems in a new light

Cognitive novelty seeking: Actively pursuing new information and experiences. Embracing intellectual challenges. Being drawn to the unfamiliar or complex.

Associative thinking: Making unexpected connections between ideas. Recognizing patterns across different contexts. Linking seemingly unrelated concepts

Overcoming functional fixedness: Using objects or ideas in non-traditional ways. Breaking free from established uses or interpretations. Seeing beyond obvious functions

Cultivating novelty of thoughts can lead to increased creativity, problem-solving ability, and innovation across various fields. It often involves stepping outside one's comfort zone and embracing uncertainty and ambiguity.


The key is building an organization with the awareness, capabilities, and mindset to sense changes early and respond quickly and effectively.

At today’s “VUCA” business dynamic, strategy and execution are no longer linear steps, but an iterative continuum. Strategy and execution can be closely associated with a cross analogy: having a vision and actually implementing it.

Stay focused on the core purpose

-Remain steadfast in overall vision and strategy

-Adapt tactics and execution while maintaining strategic direction

-Use purpose as a north star to guide adaptation efforts

Strategies for changing conditions:

-Develop situational awareness

-Stay alert to changes in the business environment

-Monitor market trends, customer needs, and competitive forces

-Conduct regular market analysis to identify emerging opportunities and threats

Scenario plan

-Develop contingency plans for potential future scenarios

-Have backup strategies ready to implement if needed

-Prepare the organization to pivot quickly when required

Maintain strategic alignment

-Ensure structures, processes, and systems support the evolving strategy

-Adjust organizational architecture as strategy shifts

-Keep roles and incentives aligned with strategic priorities

Enhance dynamic capabilities

-Build the ability to reconfigure resources rapidly

-Develop skills in reallocating money, talent, and attention to high-value areas

-Cultivate organizational learning to support quick pivots

Build organizational agility

-Create flexible structures and processes that can respond quickly to change

-Empower employees to make decisions and take action

-Foster a culture that embraces change and innovation


-Maintain open lines of communication with stakeholders

-Provide context to help employees understand and adapt to changes

-Seek regular feedback from customers, partners, and employees

Leverage technology and data

-Embrace relevant technological advancements

-Use data analytics to gain insights and inform decisions

-Implement systems to track performance and progress

Focus on continuous improvement

-Regularly review and update strategic plans

-Encourage experimentation and learning from failures

-Implement systems for ongoing feedback and adaptation

Foster talent

-Hire for traits like creativity, problem-solving

-Encourage continuous learning and skill development

-Build cross-functional teams that can collaborate flexibly

The key is building an organization with the awareness, capabilities, and mindset to sense changes early and respond quickly and effectively. This requires ongoing effort to cultivate agility and adaptability across all aspects of the organization.


 This expanded awareness can have lasting impacts on an individual's worldview, behaviors, and approach to addressing complex challenges.

Nature is impactful. Meaningful nature experiences can profoundly impact people's perception of interconnectedness and universal wisdom; expand our sense of self, broaden our perspective of the world, and stimulate our imagination of shaping a better society.   

Heightened Awareness of Connections: Are you feeling apart from nature or feeling a part of nature? This shift in perspective allows individuals to understand their place in the universe in a new way. 

-A diminished sense of separation between self and nature

-Feeling part of something larger than oneself

-An expanded conception of self beyond the physical limitations of the human body

-Meaningful nature experiences tend to enhance awareness of:

-Interconnections between social and ecological phenomena

-The complexity of interlinking natural systems

Holistic understanding: People often perceive newly discovered connections between various aspects of life and the environment that they hadn't noticed before. This can lead to a more holistic understanding of the world. These experiences are characterized by:

-A sense that accepted everyday boundaries become permeable

-Feeling a deep connection to something previously perceived as "other"

-Moments of feeling complete oneness with nature

Walking Cross the Boundaries: The usual divides that separate humans from nature can seem to dissolve, leading to a profound sense of belonging and unity.

-Insights into Complex Systems

Engaging deeply with nature often results in:

-Discovery of rich and complex interrelationships in the natural world: By keenly observing the natural world, people often gain new perspectives on the interconnectedness of life on Earth, which can inform their approach to various aspects of life.

-Recognition of interconnectivity between natural systems and human society

-Application of these insights to develop more holistic solutions to problems

Shift in Worldview: Meaningful nature experiences can lead to A reframing of one's perspective on the world. Seeing the world as a landscape with cities within it, rather than cities with patches of nature

Increased prosocial behaviors and community-mindedness: These experiences can fundamentally alter how people perceive their relationship to the natural world and their place within it.

Meaningful nature experiences have the power to dramatically shift people's perception of interconnectedness, fostering a deeper understanding of the intricate relationships between humans, nature, and all aspects of life. This expanded awareness can have lasting impacts on an individual's worldview, behaviors, and approach to addressing complex challenges.


 These advantages create a strong foundation for personal growth, self-actualization, and the pursuit of one's full potential.

Mindfulness increases self-awareness and the ability to self-regulate attention and behavior.

This enhanced self-awareness allows individuals to better understand their strengths, weaknesses, values, and goals, which is crucial for realizing one's potential.

There is the role of mindfulness in realizing human potential and enhancing self-awareness and self-regulation. 

Clarification of Values and Purpose: Mindfulness practices can lead to greater clarity about one's values and purposes in life. This clarity helps individuals set meaningful goals and align their actions with their true aspirations, essential for fulfilling one's potential.

Improved Cognitive Functioning: Mindfulness training has been shown to improve concentration, attention span, and memory. These cognitive enhancements can support learning, skill development, and overall cognitive potential.

Emotional Regulation: Mindfulness helps regulate emotions, reducing reactivity, and increasing emotional intelligence. Better emotional management allows individuals to navigate challenges more effectively, supporting personal growth and achievement.

Stress Reduction: Mindfulness is effective in reducing stress and anxiety. Lower stress levels can create a more conducive internal environment for personal development and realizing one's potential.

Increased Creativity and Problem-Solving: Research suggests mindfulness can enhance creativity and problem-solving abilities. These skills are crucial for innovation and overcoming obstacles in the pursuit of one's potential.

Enhanced Well-being: Mindfulness is associated with increased well-being, positive affect, and life satisfaction. A positive mental state provides a strong foundation for personal growth and self-actualization.

Neuroplasticity: Mindfulness practices have been shown to increase gray matter in areas of the brain involved in learning, memory, and emotional regulation. This neuroplasticity supports ongoing development and the ability to adapt and grow.

Improved social interaction: Mindfulness can enhance empathy, compassion, and relationship satisfaction. Strong, supportive relationships can play a crucial role in personal development and achieving one's potential.

Increased Resilience: Mindfulness helps in developing resilience and the ability to cope with challenges. Resilience is key to persevering through obstacles and setbacks on the path to realizing one's potential.

Metacognitive Awareness: Mindfulness promotes metacognitive awareness, allowing individuals to observe their thought processes. This awareness can help in identifying and changing limiting beliefs or thought patterns that may hinder personal growth.

Mindfulness plays a multifaceted role in realizing human potential by enhancing self-awareness, clarifying values and purpose, improving cognitive and emotional functioning, reducing stress, fostering creativity, and supporting overall well-being and resilience. These advantages create a strong foundation for personal growth, self-actualization, and the pursuit of one's full potential.

Influence via Understanding

 These various dimensions illustrate how their feeling can be influenced by social interactions, achievements, and personal growth, contributing to overall cognitive and emotional well-being.

People are cognitive beings, we feel, we sense, and we move up, or fall once in a while; feeling all right can manifest in various ways, reflecting different emotional experiences. 

Here are some distinct types of feelings all right for making deep influence:

-Recognition and Validation: Feeling acknowledged for achievements or contributions.

-Accomplishment: Feeling proud of personal achievements, whether big or small, that contribute to a sense of identity.

-Experiencing validation from people you respect or trust, reinforcing one's self-worth.

-Affection: Feeling cherished and valued by others through acts of kindness or expressions of appreciation.

-Experiencing deep emotional connections that make one feel unique and important.

-Exclusivity: Being part of a select group or receiving exclusive opportunities.

-Enjoying personalized attention, such as tailored experiences or customized services.

-Experiencing the satisfaction of overcoming challenges and reaching personal goals.

-Support: Feeling supported during difficult times, reinforcing a sense of belonging; receiving help or encouragement that highlights one's importance in others' lives.

-Unique Experiences: Engaging in activities that are personally meaningful or fulfilling, which can create a sense of specialness. Participating in memorable events that stand out from everyday life.

-Personal Growth: Feeling fine through self-improvement and personal development efforts that enhance self-esteem. Recognizing one's unique qualities and strengths that contribute to individual identity.

-Gratitude: Feeling special when expressing or receiving gratitude, which fosters positive connections with others.

-Acknowledging the positive impact one has on others' lives can enhance feelings of significance.

People have different perceptions, preferences, priorities, and personalities, people feel differently and make different decisions. These various dimensions illustrate how their feeling can be influenced by social interactions, achievements, and personal growth, contributing to overall cognitive and emotional well-being.