Change is the only constant, even change itself has been accelerated.
Change is inevitable, organizational change has become a common practice within an organization, but too often changes are made as a reaction to outer impulses, crisis, and demands. This is the bureaucracy’s way of meeting the challenges. A digital transformation is achieved via dynamic Strategy-Execution-Change life cycle management, though they are not all linear steps, but an iterative, ongoup going upgoing change continuum. How to ride ahead of the change curve and lead change effortlessly?

How to Ride Ahead of the Change Curve
- Top Three Challenges in Change Management The pace of change is accelerated, enterprise agility –the ability to adapt to the change is becoming a key factor in driving business success and gaining the long term competitive advantage. But how do you build an organizational change management capability? What are the major challenges on the way?
- How to Get Ahead of the Change Curve? The change curve is a model of the states that people who are to change will go through because going through the downs of the change curve has a negative impact on productivity, leadership is required to guide people through the different phases in order to flatten the curve and to minimize the impact on productivity?
- A Resistance Mind: How to Crack it and Manage Change Successfully? Change is the only constant, even change itself has been accelerated, however, more than 70% of corporate change management effort fails to achieve the expected result. Digital means flow, perhaps the root cause of change failure is due to such a static mind, resistant to change, but what is the cause of such a resistance mind which is the other anti-digital thinking pattern (besides silo, noncritical thinking, extreme thinking), how to crack it and manage change successfully?
- Five Aspect in Leading Change challenges: The speed of change is accelerated, organizations large or small spend significant time and resource to deal with the Big Changes such as radical digital transformation or small changes such as adopting a new software tool. However, statistically, more than 70% of change management effort fails to achieve the expected result, what are the critical elements in change management, and how to weave them more seamlessly to orchestrate a harmonized change symphony?
Five Barriers to Change Management Success? Change is inevitable, and organizational change becomes a common practice within an organization, but more than two-thirds of change effort fail to achieve the expected results. What’re the barriers to cause the change failures, and how to make Change Management tangible rather than fluffy?
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