Digital Master

The Digital transformation, like the computer technology revolution itself, is a long journey.

"Digital Master” is a series of playbooks (28+ books) to perceive the multi-faceted impact digital is making to the businesses and society, help forward-thinking organizations navigate through the journey in a systematic way, and avoid “rogue digital.” It perceives the emergent trends of digital leadership, advises on how to run a digital IT organization to unleash its full potential and improve agility, maturity, and provide the insight about Change Management. It also instructs the digital workforce on how to shape game-changing digital mindset and build the right set of digital capabilities to compete for the future.

The Digital transformation, like the computer technology revolution itself, is a long journey. The outlines of the fully digitalized world have long been sketched, now the phenomenon of digital is reaching the inflection point, yet we are now entering an even more rapid and extensive period of change. As this notion of “digitization” is now affecting all aspects of business operations from innovation within and around business ecosystem to customer engagement, to business models and processes – and no industry is exempt. Hence, most companies naturally aim to move into a more advanced stage of digital deployment by tailoring their own unique strength and business maturity. They hope to outstrip competitors and eventually become the digital masters.

Digital Master refers to those high-performing, highly innovative and high-mature (less than 15%) digital organizations; they have both clear digital vision and well-crafted digital strategy; they are courageous to be in the vanguard of digital transformation with a quantum lead. But they also proactively develop more advanced and unique digital capabilities step-by-step and build a digital premium into their very foundation of business, such as digital thinking, culture, agility, intelligence, and structure, and they achieve high performing results through strong digital governance discipline and reach its zenith as the digital world continues to expand and diversify. At the individual level, Digital Masters are those cross-generational digital professionals who are equipped with the advanced digital minds and build a unique set of digital capabilities, climb to the top of Maslow’s Pyramid 2.0.

  • Digital Vision: Digitalization is a constant game changer for the organization. It is the age of customer; empathy is the core foundation in customer-centricity. The organizations of the future are increasingly exhibiting digital characteristics in various shades and intensity.

  • Digital mindset: The mindset is far more important than talent. Talent can always be developed by those with an open and right mindset. Leaders and talent with the digital transformational mind are in higher demand, as transformational leadership is all about change.

  • Digital strategy: The whole is superior to the sum of pieces. A strategic vision for how digital will transform the business, understand the whole before you build out the pieces, and create a roadmap for implementing such transformation.

  • Digital culture - The right culture is a prerequisite for implementing a digital strategy. A great culture can support a weak strategy, but a weak culture cannot support a great strategy. A strong digital culture promotes inclusiveness, empathy, creativity, and agility.

  • Digital Capability Have an in-depth understanding of the “recombinant” nature of digital capabilities. The maturity of a business capability would be based on the ability to deliver on customer needs; or to achieve the desired capability outcome, catalyze organizational maturity and business competitiveness.

  • Digital Innovation Make a relentless commitment to innovation with an expanded scope. Innovation is more often composed with the full spectrum of light, focus on not only the “hard” innovation such as products or services revolution but also the “soft” innovation such as culture or communication evolution.

  • Digital IntelligenceIntelligence is nothing but the ability to solve problems. A hallmark of the digital age is the proliferation of data being generated. As businesses are moving slowly into an era where Big Data is the starting point - not the end. Digital Transformation concentrates on defining a comprehensive scope of change and then figuring out how to execute it with intelligence and speed.

  • Digital Workforce The “work is what you do, not where you go” shift is unstoppable. And businesses must be alert to the dynamic digital environment, adapt their workforce planning and development strategies to ensure alignment with future skill requirements.

  • Digital MaturityThe purpose of such radical digitalization is to make a significant difference in the overall levels of customer delight. Digital makes a profound impact from the specific function to business as a whole, the truth is that both the digital world and the physical one are indispensable parts of the business. The real digital transformation taking place today isn’t the replacement of the one by the other, but harmonizing the hybrid nature of digitalization and making the good combinations that create wholly new sources of value and achieve high-level digital maturity.
More and more organizations are at the strategic inflection point of digital transformation. A strategic inflection point is a time in the life cycle of a business when its fundamentals such as talent, skills, process, and technologies are about to change. Inflection is a bend, a fold, a curve, a turn, a twist; such change can mean an opportunity to rise to the new digital height or a risk to hit uncertainty. But it may just as likely signal the beginning of the end. Digitalization implies the full-scale changes in the way the business is conducted, so simply adopting a new digital technology may be insufficient. You have to transform the company’s underlying functions and organization as a whole with adjusted digital speed. Otherwise, companies may begin to decline from their previous good performance. The inflection point is the moment when the way business is being conducted changes more radically; it creates new opportunities for businesses that are adept at executing and operation. It is the moment to be “paranoid” – as it’s the act of inflecting or the state of being inflected.

Digital Mind Shift 

Digital transformation requires mind shift. In addition to the set point changing, transformation requires first shifting mindsets, then building new skills, reinforcing and embedding new practices or reflexes. Skills and situations have become more subtle, more multilayered, and, therefore, more complex, what’s needed every now and then to any individual, team, organization, society, and on up to the entire planet’s population, is a little or a lot of energy to refocus, kickstart, or ‘game-change.’ And evolutionary digital technologies or scientific breakthroughs connected to human communication dynamics are all wonderful, useful, and interesting in driving digital transformation.

Digital Synchronization 

Digital synchronization is a digital trait of highly mature business that can function like a living thing that is organic, holistic, energetic, responsive, coordinated, and consistent in the relationship with its environment. Through such digital synchronization, organizations can establish more sustainable and transformational capabilities based on the key dimensions such as scope, alignment, design, execution, and governance, etc.

Digital Maturity

Digital transformation is a journey. The terms “transformation” and “change” truly overlap in the literal definition; people tend to carry their own associations with each. Transformation is definitely the more ambitious sounding term, and organizations’ digitalization is surely a transformation journey; it has to permeate into the business vision and strategy, mindset and action, culture and communication, process and capability, etc. Although digital transformation is on every forward-looking organization’s agenda, they may take different levels of altitude, attitude, and aptitude to achieve it. Here are three levels of digital maturity.

  • Level I – Digital Laggard: These organizations probably use email, internet, and various kinds of enterprise software, but they have been slow to adopt, or they are skeptical of more advanced digital technologies like social media and analytics. They don’t have an overarching digital strategy to drive the transformation, and they have very limited advanced digital capability; they are pretty much still running with structured silos at industrial speed.

  • Level II – Digital Mediocrity: This category of organizations understands the importance of digitalization and has built the digital strategy. However, these companies are still risk-avoidant, deliberately hanging back when it comes to emerging trend or new technologies. They take a conservative mindset or attitude to move with digital speed. Although their management may have a vision and effective structures in place to govern technology adoption, they lack leadership courage and business influence to pioneer the transformation. They prefer to wait and see and follow the industrial leaders.
  • Level III – Digital Master: These companies, less than 15% of overall businesses, are digital forerunners and masters. They have both clear digital vision and well-crafted digital strategy; they are courageous to be in the vanguard of digital transformation with a quantum lead. But they also proactively develop more advanced and unique digital capabilities step-by-step and build a digital premium into their very foundation of business, such as digital mindset, culture, agility, intelligence, and structure, and they achieve high-performance results through strong digital governance discipline.

    Digitalization is like a flywheel, and Digital Masters are the one riding above it. They are the organizations or individuals that have rich digital insight and high-level digital capability, not only to initiate enterprise-wide digital innovations but also have their very nature of digital influence or digital “persona”: they are strong digital business leaders or champions with their own unique strength and style.

"Digital Master" Book Series Summary

"Digital Master" book series is a set of guide books to help both digital professional and organization become “Digital Ready.”

"Digital Master” is the series of guidebooks (28 books) to perceive the multifaceted impact digital is making to the business and our society, help forward-thinking organizations navigate through the digital journey in a systematic way, and avoid “rogue digital.” It perceives the emergent trends of digital leadership, advises on how to run a digital IT to unleash its full potential and improve agility. It explores the breadth and depth of digital wisdom, also instructs digital workforce on how to shape game-changing digital mindset and build the right set of digital capabilities to compete for the future. The purpose of "Digital Master" Book series intends to help forward-looking digital professionals and organizations navigate the digital journey via planning, innovating, taking structured approaches and leveraging the right technologies.

  1. Digital Master -Debunk the Myth of Digital Maturity: Digital Master refers to those high-performing, highly innovative and high-mature (less than 15%) digital organizations; they have both clear digital vision and well-crafted digital strategy; they are courageous to be in the vanguard of digital transformation with a quantum lead. But they also proactively develop more advanced and unique digital capabilities step-by-step and build a digital premium into their very foundation of business, such as digital thinking, culture, agility, intelligence, and structure, and they achieve high performing results through strong digital governance discipline and reach its zenith as the digital world continues to expand and diversify. At the individual level, Digital Masters are those cross-generational digital professionals who are equipped with the advanced digital minds and build a unique set of digital capabilities, climb to the top of Maslow’s Pyramid 2.0.

  1. CIO Master -Unleash the Digital Potential of IT: The prominence of the CIO role has risen greatly as IT has become an increasingly important success factor of the digital organization. The CIO position has a shorter history, but a more dynamic role to play due to the continuous changes of information and technology. Compare to the other executive positions, the CIO role continues to be shaken up, refined, reinvented and re-energized. The purpose of the book CIO Master - Unleash the Digital Potential of IT is to provide guidelines for building a framework to run a highly effective, highly innovative and highly mature digital IT organization. Also, it provides the principles to reinvent CIO leadership via practicing multitudes of digital influence.

Digital Valley - Five Pearls of Wisdom to Make Profound Influence: We are moving to the deep, deep digital dynamic, hopefully, we are also moving from the Industrial Age to the Digital Era with the abundance of wisdom slowly and steadily. The purpose of Digital Valley - Five Pearls of Wisdom to Make Profound Influence is to guide digital leaders and professionals to understand the multidimensional digital wisdom in making fair judgments and sound decisions on the daily basis. Also, inspire them to make a profound positive influence on both professional career and personal life. If knowledge is concrete, intelligence is contextual, and then wisdom is abstract and wider

Digital Agility - The Rocky Road from Doing Agile to Being Agile: The world is moving into the deep, deep digital new normal with wide, wide digital connectivity and tall, tall digital pillars. Agility is one of such powerful pillars to leap digital transformation and enable the business to unleash its full potential. Organizational agility is about to create and react to changes. It is about to take into account any change in the environment and transform the organization to survive, grow, and transform. It is about to respond to emergent events proactively. It is about to transform the whole organization to create a "Lego" like environment that you can change as you need effortlessly. The purpose of the book Digital Agility -The rocky Road from Doing Agile to Being Agile  is to share the insight about agile philosophy and mindsets; clarify a set of agile principles and disciplines; develop the best and next agile practices to scale up; describe potential agile pitfalls and how to prevent them; connect the agile dots to build a creative working environment; measure the right things about agile and measure them right. And finally, sum up agile maturity from multidimensional perspectives and inspire healthy debates to move agile up to the next level of maturity.

  1. Leadership Master - Five Digital Trends to Leap Leadership Maturity: Many think digital is the age of innovation. Digital is a disruption with rapidly increasing speed and hyperconnectivity to break down silos and rigid hierarchy. Digitalization implies the full-scale changes in the way business are conducted and society is running, and it starts with leadership innovation. The substance of leadership never changes, it’s all about making positive influences, and providing direction, both for oneself and others. Leadership is about CHANGE. It is a basic human ability to inspire self and others to look beyond limitations and make continuous improvement. This ability becomes a capability if we constantly nurture our basic human instincts of humility, curiosity, and creativity. The purpose of Leadership Master - Five Digital Trends to Leap Leadership Maturity is to convey the vision of digital leadership, share the insight about leadership maturity, and summarize five emergent digital leadership trends.

  • Talent Master 3D.pngTalent Master - 199+ Questions to See Talent from Different Angles: The book “Talent Master - 199 + Questions to See Talent from Different Angles“ is the guidebook to help digital professionals shape digital fit mindset, improve multidimensional digital intelligence, build a unique set of digital capabilities, inspire creativity, improve professionalism, and unleash their full talent potential. It is also a playbook to help digital leaders and business managers set updated digital principles to innovate talent management, performance management, acknowledgment management and culture management, to integrate them into a holistic people management solution, and leap digital transformation to the next level of maturity.

  • 3D (1).pngDigitizing Boardroom - The Multifaceted Aspects of Digital Ready Boards: Modern corporate boards play significant roles in guiding businesses in the right direction and achieve expected business results. Due to the “VUCA” characteristics -Complexity, Uncertainty, Ambiguity, and Velocity of the Digital Era, the directorship in any organization must have the agility to adapt to changes and build abilities to advise, inspire and motivate a group of people toward accomplishing shared visions and goals. The main purpose of the book “Digitizing Boardrooms -The Multifaceted Aspects of Digital Ready Board” is to
-Envision the future of directorship with twenty-three digital boardroom themes.
-Oversee business strategies with digital fluidity, digital mindset, and contextual intelligence.
-Make policies and effective decisions on transforming boards from conformance to
-performance driven.
-Rejuvenate boardrooms via participating in both innovation management and management innovation.
-Highlight the importance of building IT friendly and technology-savvy digital boards.
-Develop the best and next governance practices towards achieving corporate excellence.
-Advocate digital fitness and innovate people management to become “Talent Master.”
-Set digital culture tones, and fine-tune processes to make boards highly effective and highly mature.

Change is inevitable, you can’t step into the same river twice, meaning that everything is always in a state of flow. But too often changes are made as a reaction to outer impulses, crisis, and demands. This is the bureaucratic way of meeting the challenges. Change is never for its own sake. The true reason for the change is either due to the ineffectiveness of teams/organizations or the inefficiency of processes/practices.


The term digital " THINKINGAIRES" we advocate in this book refers to the talented digital leaders and professionals who continue to create new ideas, to practice thought leadership, and to bring the world both content richness and context intelligence. They are the “IMAGINEERS” who can always come up with the fresh perspectives and think differently; they are the “VISIONEERS” who can digest, analyze and synthesize information and knowledge, to visualize the future clearly; they are the ENTREPRENEURS or INTRAPRENEURS who are creative in thinking about the alternative way to do things, and they are the “CHANGE AGENTS” who can create synergies from people, capability and the digital ecosystem that are greater than the sum of their parts. “THINKINGAIRE” is the guidebook to help digital leaders and professionals understand and cultivate digital thinking mindsets to compete for the future:

  • “Out-of-Box” Thinking Minds: “Out-of-Box” is a shortened form, a metaphor that means to think differently, unconventionally, or from a new perspective. Out-of-Box thinking implies a certain level of creativity or unconventional problem-solving.

  • Systems Minds: Systems Thinking provides the holistic way to view problems, better and more accurate understanding of the overall situation via connecting parts and whole, better defining the problems and how you should go about solving them and in what sequence.

  • Hybrid Minds: Hybrid Thinking is a set of interdisciplinary and integrative thinking processes we will need to solve many of today’s complex problems, which require strategic consideration, systems intelligence, innovative approaches, cross-cultural and cross-generational perspectives, and multi-dimensional cognition.

  • Agile Minds: In a broader scope, "agility" is a philosophy of managing complexity and unpredictability through empiricism. Agility is the ability to adapt to the changes. Agile minds see the world through the lens of three “I”s: Interaction, Improvement, and Innovation. Agile is a new, radical style of leadership.

  • Intellectual Minds: Intelligence is the capacity to understand and apply wisdom to the knowledge you are exposed to. There are as many different ways to characterize intelligence as there are different types and forms of information impinging on our senses.

  • High - EQ Minds: Emotional Intelligence in its simplest form is being aware of our emotions and managing them to get the best out of the situation. It’s also about trying to understand other emotions and be empathetic.

  • Paradoxical Minds: The paradox is a situation, person, or thing that combines contradictory features or qualities. The paradox is the result of two opposing truths existing side by side, which can be both right. The paradox is also like the two sides of the coin, they are not just opposite, but also complementary, to make it a whole.

  • Progressive Minds: Progress represents change. Without change, one cannot even stagnate; she or he will be on a backward journey. Progress itself is change, whether it comes from individual or group efforts or is induced by environmental and cultural, tangible or intangible forces.

  • Metaphorical Minds: Psychologically, creative, metaphorical and poetic impulses and language congeal over time into systems of thought that take on a quality of being permanently true, through being institutionalized, systematized, and professionalized.

  • Professional Minds: A professional mind goes beyond professions, but we can always learn more about the thought processes from varying professionals as well. It takes a decade to grow a tree, and it takes more than one generation to shape the right mindset.

  • Anti-Digital Mindsets: Digital Transformation requires mind shift. In addition to the set point changing, transformation requires first shifting mindsets, and then building new capabilities & skills, reinforcing and embedding new practices and reflexes.

  • Mind vs. Mind: It’s hard to say when we can make an ‘apple to apple’ comparison of mind vs. mind. The truth is that each of us is a complex blend of contrasts - positive and negative; intuitive and logical with imperfect judgment.

Digitalization is like a flywheel, and Digital Masters are the one riding above it. They are the organizations or individuals that have rich digital insight and high-level digital capability, not only to initiate enterprise-wide digital innovations but also have their very nature of digital influence or digital “persona.” They are strong digital business leaders or champions with their own unique strength and style.

Change is inevitable, you can’t step into the same river twice, meaning that everything is always in a state of flow. But too often changes are made as a reaction to outer impulses, crisis, and demands. This is the bureaucratic way of meeting the challenges. Change is never for its own sake. The true reason for the change is either due to the ineffectiveness of teams/organizations or the inefficiency of processes/practices.

Change Management is always challenging with a high percentage of failure rate. Indeed, change is difficult. Some say change is not a problem, the primary reason for change failure is resistance to change while the second reason is the inability of leaders to deal with resistance. The purpose of the book “Change Insight” is to:

  • Dig deeper to analyze the psychology behind changes and handle problems and changes at the level of the mindset.
  • Explore people-centric change management philosophy and practices.
  • Differentiate change leadership and change management, orchestrate change at all level of the organization.
  • Set Change Management principles to inform and support the way of managing change effectively.
  • Build change as an ongoing capability, not just a one-time business initiative.
  • Analyze the potential change pitfalls and roadblocks on the change journey.
  • Make an objective change assessment and measurement from the multidimensional lens.
  • And ultimately build high-mature organizations with changeability to fuel the digital transformation.

Due to the exponential growth of information, changing nature of technology, and continuous disruptions of digitalization nowadays, CIOs seem to be always on the hot seat, and the saying about the demise of the internal IT has been around for years. In reality, the majority of IT organizations get stuck in the lower level of maturity, slow to change. Forward-looking organizations are reinventing IT reputation from a cost center to a value creator, from a static support function to a dynamic change agent; and from inside-out operation driven to outside-in customer-centric. IT is omnipresent and permeated into every corner of the organization. The industrial-based enterprise of the 20th century had run out of gas, and the digital enterprise of the 21st century has the new characteristics and DNA of innovation. Nowadays we are living in an information abundant world where technology is pervasive and the masses are looking for their own experiences to introduce new technology into the business. There are both incremental innovation and radical innovation. IT is often the driving force for both. IT plays a significant role in managing information-knowledge-insight cycle and fostering innovation by leveraging disruptive technologies and enriched information flow. But more specifically, how can IT build differentiated capabilities to become an information power center and an innovation hub?

The purpose of “IT innovation - Reinvent IT for the Digital Age” is to help business and IT leaders and digital professionals ride above the learning curve, reinvent IT as an innovation hub and game changer; re-imagine IT as an innovation outlier; renovate a hybrid IT and digital organization; fine-tune IT as the digital whole brain of the organization; accelerate IT on the fast lane, rebuild IT as the business capability multiplier; empower IT as a digital change agent; and leverage the “alphabetic elements” to run a highly innovative IT organization for the digital age.

Digital is the age of innovation. And innovation is what leads to differentiation. There are many ways to differentiate and, therefore, there are many ways to pursue innovation. Talking of innovation is not new nowadays, everybody, every organization now is talking about innovation. It's been at or near the top of the business or economics agenda for a long time. However, there’re a lot of confusions about innovation and there is no magic sauce to guarantee its success. Back to basic, what is innovation, the more you look into this topic, the more difficult to give a definition of innovation, as it is such a broad topic. One of the good definitions of innovation is: "to transform the novel ideas into commercial success. In essence, innovation is, "intentional novelty bringing sustainable benefit."

The purpose of “Unpuzzling Innovation - Mastering Innovation Management in a Structural Way“ is to demystify innovation puzzle in a structural way. Innovation is the process which can be classified scientifically and managed dynamically. Innovation is neither serendipity nor status quo, it needs to break some outdated rules, builds digital principles, and takes a systematic approach with robust, but not overly rigid processes to implement it. Digital innovators are the “whole-brainers” who present leadership skills and multi-dimensional intelligence, to mastering the “art of possible.” Creativity is simply about connecting the dots, the difference between innovation and creativity is implementation. It’s important to develop a set of best/next practices to manage digital innovation continuum effectively. It’s also critical to understand the paradox of innovation and strike the right balance between ideation and execution part of the innovation process and management. Innovation journey is thorny, be cautious about gaps and pitfalls on the way, to improve innovation success rate and measure it in the right way.

All humans are born with raw creativity ability. Creativity has many dimensions, with multifaceted truth and myth, manifold knowledge and multidimensional insight.

In recent years, creativity has become a very highly valued skill, and many think it is the #1 most wanted professional capability in the digital era. We all have unlimited creative potential and intrinsic ability to think outside of the box, but we need to learn how to unlock it. Creativity is a function of imagination, multidimensional thinking, knowledge, psychology, activities, and motivation. The purpose of “100 Creativity Ingredients - Everyone’s Playbook to Unlock Creativity “is to classify, scrutinize, articulate, and share insight about one hundred special creativity ingredients, to paint the picture with them, to add colors on them, to embed the music into them, and to make the story via them, in order to unleash our collective creativity potential.

Both businesses and the world become over-complex, hyper-connected, extremely uncertain and ambiguous than ever, making effective decisions is both art and science. There are blind spots block the vision and there are pitfalls on the way. Decision Masters refer to the digital leaders or professionals who can leverage multidimensional thought processes, information and intuition, take a step-wise scenario for making effective decisions consistently. Decision Masters also refer to the businesses or organizations that follow a set of well-defined principles, leverage fine-tuned decision processes, efficient information management system, decision frameworks, tools, and metrics to enable people across the organization making effective decisions collaboratively. Decision-making is both art and science. More specifically, what are the digital philosophy, principles, and practices to improve decision-making effectiveness and increase the overall business responsiveness and maturity?

We are at the age of digital dawn; hyper-connectivity is one of the most critical digital characteristics which make the business holistic and the world smaller. Digitalization implies the full-scale changes in the way business is conducted so that simply adopting a new digital technology is insufficient. You have to transform the company's underlying functions and organization as a whole with adjusted digital speed. Otherwise, companies may begin a decline from its previous good performance. However, many business managers today still apply old silo management mindsets to new ways of leading changes, create the multitude of gaps blocking the way of the radical digital transformation. Being divided by so many chasms across leadership, management, and innovation, etc., organizations lose their collaborative advantage as they are being over managed and under led, remain disconnected, hoard knowledge, decrease effectiveness, and do not have the competence to collaborate in the long term.

Digital Gaps -Bridging Multiple Gaps to Run Cohesive Business” is a guidebook to help digital leaders and professionals today identify, analyze, and mind multiple gaps with multidisciplinary insight and holistic understanding. Today’s digital organization simply just can’t stand still. Bridging the 'gap of opportunity' between where you are and want to become is a welcomed challenge and a step-wise approach to make a leap of digital transformation.

Nowadays information is the lifeblood, and the emergent technology is more often the business disruptor. Due to the changing nature of information and technology, IT is always in the changing environment creating unexpected situations and requiring quick and appropriate responses based on the conditions. IT is at the crossroad due to the exponential growth of information and the disruptive nature of digital technologies. It is the time to reimagine IT via inspiring critical and creative thinking and spurring healthy debating. The healthy debates, in fact, help the business and IT do more reflection via pondering deeper and understanding things from multi-dimensional angles. Because debating is a type of critical thinking activity. Critical thinking is a basic form of organized thought specifically used to frame the right questions, identify the real problems, and discover better ways to do things.

The purpose of “Digital IT-100 Q&As “ is to summarize 100+ classic and emergent digital debates about digital IT leadership and management, brainstorm how to run a holistic digital business from multidimensional lens, share digital holism and strategic insight, keep IT digital fit, deal with both IT management dilemmas and innovation paradoxes effortlessly, guide today’s digital leaders and professionals to learn the valuable lessons across industrial and geographical boundaries, develop the best and next digital practices to tailor their needs, set the right priorities to achieve high performance, and build a solid digital brand, with the goal to accelerate digital transformation.

“Decision Master” is the guidebook to perceive digital mindsets with multidimensional decision intelligence, define a set of decision-making principles, articulate potential pitfalls in decision-making scenario, describe digital decision-making styles, summarize the important elements in building the decision-making capability and taking stepwise steps to achieve decision maturity.

Digital Master Book Review

The digital culture is fast, it's furious, and it's unforgiving;  especially to those who lag behind: and by 'lag' I mean by as little as months. It holds great potentials and great cautions, it holds the potential to create a fairer, more equal global community, and it requires of its users (especially those involved in the business) a strategic vision that demands innovation and flexibility. Digital Master is a business guide that takes this culture and its requirements and applies them in a manner different from most linear assessments of either culture or business pursuits, blending the two perspectives to consider not just the changing environments and rapidity of digital pursuits, but how new strategic vision and problem-solving capabilities may evolve from a digital emphasis on traditional processes.

At each step of the discussion, contrast is made between traditional approaches and new business models, offering the opportunity to not just contrast and analyze digital approaches, but construct new short- and long-term avenues for digital success using the unique power of the digital environment. The primary attribute of Digital Master is its ability to appeal to all level of business reader. Most such books on the topic narrow the focus to a specific segment of business pursuit (commonly, marketing or branding) or a specific audience (typically managers or entrepreneurs). It's rare to see a book that seeks and promotes inclusion at all business levels and is directed not just to leaders, but to workers. The digital culture is fast, it's furious, and it's unforgiving - and part of this unforgiving nature lies in a tendency to direct information to certain audiences while leaving others in the dark. I found Digital Master to be accessible to any interested in innovative approaches, business models, and collaborative ventures - and in a culture and time when a business can be exclusive and self-limiting, this is a unique approach, indeed.

Diane Donovan Midwest Book Review

Pearl Zhu know what she's talking (or writing) about when it comes to all matters digital. But perhaps even more importantly, she conveys her know-how to readers of Digital Master in words that readers can understand. One doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to comprehend what she's talking about. Thanks to her years of experience in IT and related subjects, Pearl's book covers all aspects of the impact of the rapidly moving digital revolution, as well as its impact on businesses large and small, and on society. 
Her use of acronyms to spell out and clarify various areas of the subject is particularly clever and useful. It's not often that a book on such a weighty subject can be so readable. but Pearl has succeeded in doing so with Digital Master.  
Senior Editor: Arnold Friedman     Editor World

Digital Master Author Introduction

Pearl Zhu has more than 21 years of technical and business working experience in Information Technology, E-commerce, international trading, etc. She is a digital visionary who can capture technological foresight, business insight, and digital leadership philosophy from multidimensional lenses and global perspectives. She also is a forward-looking digital leader who advocates business innovation and cultural evolution relentlessly.
  • Digital Visionary: Pearl Zhu is a digital visionary who can capture business insight and perceive digital leadership and management philosophy from multi-dimensional lenses and global perspectives. Executive Profile Presentation
  • Thought Leader: Pearl has more than tween years of technical and business working experience in Information Technology, E-commerce, and international trading. etc. She is also a forward-looking digital who advocates business innovation and culture evolution.
  • Daily Blogger: Pearl is a prolific blogger who creates a professional and popular blog: “Future of CIO”, which has reached the 5900+ posting milestones and catching 3,000, 000 + views from the worldwide audience. It covers more than 50+ hot IT and management subjects such as future of leadership, IT trends, digital transformation, organizational culture, and management.
  • Change Agent: Pearl is a relentless change agent who continuously reinvents her career from an engineer to an entrepreneur to a digital visioneer and further. Pearl has worked for both Fortune 100 companies to gain a variety of experiences and startup to present entrepreneur spirit. Her cross-industrial, cross-functional and cross-cultural backgrounds make her natural strategic and creative thinker, always see the other side of coin, also inspire her to observe deeper and broader with the fresh eyes and open mind, to become a relentless change agent, the symbol of creativity, diversity, inclusiveness and the voice for those without voice. Pearl holds a master’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Southern California, and she lives in San Francisco Bay Area for 15 years. Read more of Pearl's Featured Blogs.
  • Pearl’s Featured Quotes:
    -Vision: It is about zoom into the future as if it were closer.

     - Strategy: It is like GPS to navigate through your business's digital journey.

      -Culture: It is like water, it can keep the organization ship float, but also can drag it down and sink it.

Digital Master Featured URLs:
  1. Digital Master on Future of CIO Blog
  2. Digital Master on Google Book

Digital Master Online Order Links:
  1. Digital Master on BOL
  2. Digital Master Introduction on the BookMarketing Network


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