The business expects IT to become the new capability enablers at a higher-changing digital dynamic.

Business efficiency: The business wants fit-for-purpose IT solutions that enable them to be efficient in delivering services and products to their market at the right cost to deliver profits to the shareholder. The fit-for-purpose means the right foundation of functional building blocks, with all the common non-functional 'abilities' (availability, reliability, scalability, reconfigurability, interoperability, elasticity, security, etc) at an acceptable cost. IT should focus on delivering high quality, reusable, consistent services that support the business's needs in a cost-effective manner over the long term.
Business profitability: Business needs IT to provide better information to achieve improved profitability, IT provides a nervous system to the business. If intelligence built is poor or not managed in a proper way, it may lead to wrong decisions and hence impact on the business. But if IT can capture insight/foresight, the business would prosper and grow. It totally depends on a deep understanding of the business and implementing it using IT tools and techniques. IT organizations deliver precise, authentic and on-time information to the business for making the right decisions at the right time to make efficient use of all other resources. Improve enterprise revenue through better customer loyalty.
Business innovation: Businesses are looking for IT to add new innovative methods for management of complexity, data transformation, improving quality, agile construction, etc. Foster an innovation culture to create innovative IT-enabled business models and business capabilities through a combination of existing and emerging technologies. Deliver the innovative capabilities to capture first-mover advantages. IT can keep business areas up to date with the opportunities emerging technology provides.

Business Capability: Business expects IT to become the new capability enabler at higher-changing organizations that compete on product/service differentiation. IT enables a business to access, consume and generate the information necessary to perform a range of business tasks/functions, (not all of which are about decisions), but all of which require collective human capabilities which are a subset of the business capability to perform some part of the action/process. Immediate or timely access becomes an element. Ability to apply a range of predefined business rules which contribute to improved quality of information and enforce a unique set of business capability.
Business Resilience: Technology brings both significant opportunities and risk for organizations today, the business expects IT to play a critical role in governance and risk management, to ensure rigorous compliance with regulatory requirements and move up business from risk mitigation to risk intelligence, in order to run and protect business flawlessly. Also, develop an IT organization that is flexible to accommodate rapidly changing business strategies and requirements.
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