Wisdom in the workplace means to inspire creativity, learning, and progression, but discourage un-professionalism and negativity.
Statistically, more than two-thirds of employees don’t feel engaged in the work and think their work is tedious, boring, their workplaces have no fun, unfair or even toxic, and even worse, most of the employees won’t tell their managers their true feeling. Can you figure out what employees are not saying and diagnose the root cause of problems, in order to build a healthier working environment? What does the wisdom in the workplace really mean for you and how to embed it into your organization?

Wisdom in workplace means to have work ethics and positive mindset, dealing with the situation intelligently, wisely and be impartial. Organizations can increase productivity and knowledge without pressure in a positive working environment. Wise leaders have the patience to observe, listen, and process what is going on around them within the organizational hierarchy, and effectively execute with a decision or direction. The managers can foresee potential events, and act proactively to cope with them in advance of the event. It may come of experience, education, or intuition--so they are wise to take proactive steps to protect employees or the future of the organization. Wisdom in the workplace means to develop positive thinking and proactive actions in a workplace, to inspire creativity, learning and progression, but discourage un-professionalism, negativity.
The wisdom in the workplace means to pass on the knowledge to others smoothly and build the culture of learning: People learn best by doing and coaching. We all learn in different ways. From a management perspective, managers have to experience first hand the consequences of their behaviors, actions, and decisions. They seem to benefit not only from self-feedback but also from observer feedback. Businesses can train leaders by giving them the information on how to be better communicator; coach them on how to be more effective decision makers. It gives managers knowledge about effective management and leadership skills. However, it is only after someone begins to actually practice these behaviors that they will gain wisdom. Because the spirit comes from the top, and then they can pass on the knowledge and even insight to others and build a culture of learning. Wisdom in the workplace is possessing the knowledge of your workplace inside and out and having the ability to pass on that knowledge to others, and manage collective wisdom effectively.

• Failing to openly and clearly communicate policies, plans, and objectives;
• Failing to acknowledge people’s presence and efforts;
• Disregarding or showing disinterest in employees;
• Failing to thank people for their time and effort when a job is well done;
• Criticizing employees in public; lack of empathy;
• Operating policies of nepotism or favoritism;
• Encouraging unprofessional internal competition but not co-operation and teamwork;
• Lack of growth opportunity and career path; stick to the culture of mediocrity.
• Failing to offer reasonable levels of remuneration that take account of every aspect of work requirements, conditions, and levels of responsibility;
• Failing to provide relevant and appropriate training and update courses;
So obviously the wisdom in the workplace is not just about productivity, it’s more about building a positive and innovative culture, cultivating intelligent and emphatic leadership and management team, driving fully engaging employees and building high-performing team, and the purpose is to well align corporate goals with employees’ career goals, encourage talent growth, create synergy by putting the right talent in the right position in the right time to achieve ultimate business result.
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