Saturday, June 11, 2022


 It is the time to break down the organizational bureaucracy inherited from the traditional management discipline, rejuvenate creative energy, and make leapfrogging movements.

We are moving from a static and linear business world with considerable knowledge scarcity to a dynamic and hyper-connected digital era with information exponentiality. It directly impacts how we think and do things effectively and innovate fearlessly. 

Due to the increasing global connectivity, uncertainty, chaos and ever-rising customer & employee expectations, nowadays, corporate strategy execution is not a few linear steps with routine business operations, but an iterative continuum and an evolutionary journey with continuous improvement and a few leapfrogging movements.

Cognitive leap: As the society expands, it becomes more complex; the struggle for survival becomes more intense in the “VUCA” digital normal. Outdated thinking and knowledge are perhaps like time glue that get you stuck while the rest of the world moves forward with faster paces. Thus, today’s business leaders and professionals should bridge the cognitive leap from linear to nonlinear thinking, from absorbing knowledge to capturing insight; from holding subjective perception and accepting conventional wisdom to analyzing objective perception, gaining true understanding, and sharing unconventional wisdom.

Bridging the gaps between linear and nonlinear thinking can significantly help to improve business decision effectiveness and leadership maturity. Because there is always a temptation to use simple linear models to understand highly complex, nonlinear scenarios. Human society gets more and more complex, the very natural attempt of humans to take the very powerful techniques of mathematics and apply it to the world very quickly comes up against insurmountable difficulties. The application of non-linear thinking has to do with system analysis – the whole is superior to the sum of pieces, as well as holistic problem-solving – fixing the root causes without causing too many side effects.

Growth leap: Unlike some traditional companies which are slow to change, digital organizations like organic living systems must keep growing to accelerate its performance and unleash its full potential. Making a leap in the strategy implementation and the large scale of business transformation is not an overnight sensation, but takes a systematic approach with stepwise practices. Corporate leadership needs to be future-oriented and further-looking, to set a clear business vision and embrace the broad range of business perspectives, to explore varying opportunities for growth leap in a spirit of open-mindedness, discovery, and experimentation.

Digital is the age of information overloading and knowledge abundance. All ambitious businesses strive to unleash their full potential because advanced technology and abundant knowledge brings unprecedented opportunities for business growth. People and organizations have to learn faster and apply their learning to new circumstances for solving problems promptly. Perhaps to survive in overwhelming growth of information and thrive in rapid change, the only sustainable advantage is to learn faster than your competition and unleash your full digital potential. Each individual or business has their own unique strength; they should spend sufficient time on developing their own competency. They have to renew themselves periodically to cope with change effectively and have a fluid structure that responds to their function at the moment timely to accelerate strategy implementation.

Creative leap:
Information is the light all forethoughtful organizations are pursuing and creativity is the most desired quality of digital professionals today. In the process of reconciliation, there is almost always a need for a creative leap. Creative leaders don’t follow the old rules, but break down conventional thinking; they have their own way to stimulate creativity, and in fact, it is absolutely necessary for leaders to create discomfort and get others thinking differently, generate fresh ideas continually, and solve problems alternatively. Creative leadership is not necessarily intimidating or overly pushy, there is always a right way to challenge others and it is never demeaning. Creative leadership is being flexible enough to adapt to the situation and the players involved, it’s about adaptation meeting agility.

What fuels creativity is a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. One of the drivers of creativity is cross-fertilization and pollination of ideas. This is built into the structure so it happens very naturally in the process to make creative leap. People have the level of intellectual curiosity, desire to learn and demonstrate the natural ability to maintain an open and inquisitive mind. Also, they have the conditions of the environment in which they operate, with all the restrictions, the needs, the gaps and pressures that might push creative minds to soar and put more emphasis on making creative leaps and improving innovation success rate.

Improvement cannot happen without change, and change should not happen without improvement. It is the time to break down the organizational bureaucracy inherited from the traditional management discipline; as it takes a lot of energy to rejuvenate cultures, but change is happening with accelerated speed. Organizations across the industrial disciplines need to develop holistic digital management practices to harness cross-functional communication & collaboration, make a leapfrog progression and accelerate strategy implementation step-wisely.


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