Sunday, July 7, 2024


 Professional capability development is a journey that takes years of effort -shaping mindsets, sharpening skill sets and taking strong disciplines.

With increasing paces of changes and a complex societal environment, all knowledge professionals today need to continue to learn, develop a fitting mindset; and build professional capabilities continually.

Either individually or at the organizational level, to survive the fierce competition and rapid changes, it’s important to gain an in-depth understanding of what capabilities bring core professional advantage and invest accordingly in developing and sustaining valued competency. Digital professionals today need to not only have the capability necessities to “keep the lights on,” now; but also build differentiated professional competency. 

Think outside the box: This means someone can come up with creative and innovative solutions, showcasing their ability to approach problems from new angles. Great things don't happen inside your comfort zone or in a box; typically, it's associated with convention within context. "think outside the box" means throwing conventional wisdom out of the window for a while, and to let the creative mind run free for a while.  There’s nothing wrong with lots of out-of-the-box creative types of thinking as long as you couple it with some good analytical. Otherwise, you’ll run the risk of spending too much time and effort chasing down bad ideas.  

Wear many hats: This describes someone who can handle a variety of tasks and responsibilities, showcasing their adaptability and versatility. Because today’s business workforce is hyper-diverse with multigenerational, multicultural, and multi-devising perspectives, contemporary leaders are expected to play multiple personas and wear many hats to lead effectively. People-centric personas including designers, interface roles, or customer champions seek a different kind of inspiration, determining what will be considered aesthetically pleasing tomorrow rather than today! 

A force to be reckoned with: This describes someone who is highly skilled and influential in their field, emphasizing their competence and expertise. Organizational leaders and knowledge professionals in the digital era should practice their expert power to influence via knowledge sharing and insightful persuasion to connect the minds and improve leadership influence. The borders between knowledge domains are blurred, the interdisciplinary understanding is important to connect wider dots in an ecosystem with all its dependencies and interconnections. Corporate leaders or professionals with solid interdisciplinary expertise have the higher capabilities to make a bigger influence in their subject domain 

Think on their feet: This refers to someone who can think clearly and make good decisions under pressure, highlighting their ability to react effectively in unexpected circumstances. Judgment and decision-making are often considered together. The biggest challenge is knowing what you don't know, it is a reasonable moniker for decision-making blind spots and biases. Hence, good judgment is a must for good decisions. People who can make good decisions under pressure have high EQ and demonstrate strong capabilities to lead changes and deal with complex issues effectively.

Be a problem solver: This describes someone who can identify, analyze, and resolve complex issues, emphasizing their analytical and critical thinking skills. Many problems today are complex and interdependent. Every complex problem can be considered to be a symptom of another problem. Good problem-solvers can fix the root cause of one problem; while a great problem-solver can perhaps solve a chain of related issues. People who can solve problems in a new way are the innovators. 

Professional capability development is a journey that takes years of effort -shaping mindsets, sharpening skill sets and taking strong disciplines. People may have years of experience, but their professional competency does not reach a high level of maturity sometimes. It’s important to identify their professional capability gaps, and build relevant skillsets, to ensure that you are developing differentiated capabilities to gain unique competency.


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