Monday, July 1, 2024


RAG can be beneficial for applications that require accessing and reasoning over large knowledge bases. 

RAG, which stands for Retrieval-Augmented Generation, is a technique used to improve the accuracy and reliability of large language models (LLMs).

It allows models to dynamically retrieve relevant information to inform their outputs, rather than relying solely on their training data. This can lead to more informative, coherent, and factual generated text. Some key aspects of RAG include:

Retrieval module:  RAG models have a separate retrieval component that can efficiently search through large knowledge bases to find relevant passages. The retrieved passages are then fed into the language generation module, which uses them to produce the final output. RAG models are trained end-to-end, allowing the retrieval and generation components to optimize their interaction.

Improved factual accuracy: RAG is a technique used in large language models that combines retrieval from a knowledge base with language generation. By retrieving up-to-date information, RAG models can produce outputs that are more factually accurate compared to standard language models. The retrieved passages provide additional context that helps the model generate more coherent and relevant text.

Flexibility: RAG allows language models to be applied to a wide range of tasks by providing access to relevant knowledge bases. The retrieved information helps to stay focused on your specific needs and avoid going off on tangents. In some RAG implementations, you might see the sources you used to inform the response. This allows you to evaluate the credibility of the information yourself.

RAG can be beneficial for applications that require accessing and reasoning over large knowledge bases, RAG allows organizations to connect their large language models to internal data sources and documents, enabling employees to access the latest information. It allows us to access and process information in real time, leading to more accurate, relevant, and trustworthy outputs.


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