Thursday, July 11, 2024


To overcome these obstacles, organizations and individuals should focus on developing strong leadership at all levels, and fostering a culture of ethical behavior and effective problem-solving.

Compared to the traditional organization as the mechanical system which is easy to turn outdated and thus, get stagnated. Digital organizations today are like the organic living system which keeps evolving to adapt to business dynamics.

There are several key obstacles that can cause people or organizations to become stuck:

Inflexible hierarchy: When a business or organization is overly reliant on its founder or leader, it can struggle to delegate responsibilities and scale effectively. In the emerging digital age with the nature of hyperconnectivity, nonlinearity, and interdependence, the overly rigid hierarchy becomes the very obstacle to stop the digital flow and stifle innovation. Overemphasis on formal structures-focusing too much on tangible elements like organizational structure while ignoring informal aspects such as norms, commitments, and networks can lead to suboptimal results. 

To be a highly functional system, the hierarchy must balance performance, freedoms, and responsibilities of the subsystems and total system, there must be enough central control to achieve coordination toward the large-system goals, and enough autonomy to keep all subsystems flourishing, functioning, and self-organizing.

Organizational Fatigue & Exhaustion: The relentless demands of running a business or working long hours can lead to fatigue, reduced efficiency, and an inability to move forward. For some management, a reorg is a way of showing they are trying to deliver value – reorg may seem to be visible for changes, but in many cases, it doesn't work out, or it shouldn't be the first step to take if practicing change management. 

To overcome business management fatigue, it's always critical to well align people, process and technology, to make change happening not only on the structural surface, but really ensure the culture is harmonized and the right people are in the right position to take the right tasks, and organization as a whole is optimal than the sum of pieces. 

Quality vs. Growth Balance: As organizations grow, maintaining the balance between quality and expansion becomes a critical challenge that can hinder progress if not managed properly. 

High mature digital organizations should integrate the organizational design into the business process design and organizational re-engineering, to unleash growth potential of the organization, improve business fluidity, productivity, people-centricity, and maturity.

Ineffective Problem-Solving: Problem-solving is about seeing a problem and actually finding a solution to that problem, not just the band-aid approach to fix the symptom. Executive teams may struggle to address issues quickly and effectively, leading to stagnation.  

It is important to apply a good set of principles, optimized processes, right people with right talent to handle complex issues, and keep track of the outcome of problem-solving. Taking a systematic approach to measurement can avoid blind-spots in problem-solving. 

Inability to Delegate: Difficulty in delegating tasks, especially as careers progress, can limit both personal and organizational growth. There needs to be the real delegation of responsibility with well-defined boundaries and clear accountability. Trust can make the delegation process frictionless. 

Delegation does not mean telling someone how to do it your way. It is about giving them enough information to figure out how to do it their way. Delegation helps to improve digital workforce quality, reliability and productivity; and it further fuels the sustainable growth of the business.

Ethical Shortcuts: Upholding ethical principles and values guides professionals in making decisions that align with moral standards and organizational policies. Ethical decision-makers prioritize integrity, fairness, and transparency in their actions. Taking ethical shortcuts, even minor ones, can create a culture of mistrust, inertia and hinder long-term success.

Financial Management Challenges: Struggling to maintain sufficient cash flow and balance personal and business financial demands can impede growth and operations. Relying too heavily on a single client or revenue source can limit growth and innovation, making it difficult for businesses to progress.

Finance management involves planning, controlling, and monitoring a company's financial resources to achieve its strategic goals. Finance management and the break-even curve go hand in hand when understanding a business's financial health and planning for profitability. 

To overcome these obstacles, organizations and individuals should focus on developing strong leadership at all levels, and fostering a culture of ethical behavior and effective problem-solving, diversifying their client base, and improving financial management. Furthermore, embracing both formal and informal organizational elements, and being mindful of emotional influences in decision-making can help prevent stagnation and promote growth.


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