Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Perception & Understanding

One’s perception matters because it not only indicates how we see the world via our mental eyes, but also affects how we are going to respond to “what happened.” 

We live in diverse societies, all people have colorful personalities; some are introverts, others are extroverts; quite a few are a hybrid of two; some perceive the world; others judge the surroundings, and a few of go-get types.

Perceiving types are described as preferring flexibility, keeping options open, and gathering more information. They tend to be spontaneous, adaptable, and curious, prefer to experience and understand the world and keep decisions open-ended. 

Perceiving types are more comfortable with ambiguity and change during unexpected situations. They are inclined to gather more information and explore different options before making decisions. Their openness to new experiences could help them respond flexibly to unexpected challenges. However, their tendency towards spontaneity and keeping options open may also mean they struggle with the need for quick decisions during crises.

Openness to change - Perceiving types may be more comfortable with ambiguity and able to respond flexibly to unexpected events. Their strong analysis skills enable them to do certain forecasts, ponder around, and take steps logically. There is so much psychology in openness to new perspectives and negative emotions (resistance to change, fear, etc.) that cause change inertia. So objective perceptions are critical to making sound judgments and embracing the future confidently. 

Curiosity and information-gathering - Perceiving individuals may be inclined to gather more data and explore different options before making decisions in unfamiliar situations. So they demonstrate tolerance for uncertainty - Perceiving types' preference for keeping options open could help them remain calm and avoid premature closure when facing the unknown. They leverage their strengths in unexpected situations: Embrace curiosity and gather information - Perceiving types' natural inclination to explore and learn could help them quickly gather relevant data to understand an unexpected problem.

Tap into agility - Perceiving individuals' comfort with ambiguity and change may allow them to more easily adjust their problem-solving approach as the situation evolves. However, perceiving types' preferences for keeping options open could prevent them from jumping to conclusions too quickly when facing an unfamiliar challenge.

One’s perception matters because it not only indicates how we see the world via our mental eyes, but also affects how we are going to respond to “what happened.” People have different traits and personalities. Perception types should collaborate with other types of personalities, such as "judgment type"  who can provide structure and closure to their open-ended process, or acting types to go ahead making things happen and drive the changes we all want to see.


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