Monday, August 26, 2024

Values Guidance

The key is to be honest with yourself and focus on the values that consistently drive your decisions and behavior in professional settings.

Every professional has their own value proposition, strengths & weaknesses, career goals and experiences. There are effective ways to identify your core values for professional communication. For example: Ask yourself questions like "What do I value most?" and "What principles guide my decisions and actions?" 

Self-reflection: Reflect on key moments in your career when you had to make difficult choices - your decisions often reveal your core values. Take online assessments or use value card exercises to help articulate your values. These tools can provide a starting point for identifying what's most important to you.

Examine your past behavior: Look at times when you felt most satisfied or proud in your work - what values were you honoring? Consider situations that made you uncomfortable - were your values being compromised?

Prioritize your values: Make a list of potential values and narrow it down to 3-5 core values that are most important to you professionally. Focus on the values that consistently guide your actions and decisions.

Get feedback from others: Ask trusted colleagues or mentors what values they see you demonstrating consistently. Their outside perspective can reveal values you may not have recognized in yourself.

Align with organizational values: Review your company's stated values and consider how they resonate with your personal values. Look for areas of alignment and potential conflicts.

Consider your ideal work environment: Envision your ideal workplace culture - what values would it embody? This can help reveal what you truly value in a professional setting.

Reflect on your long-term career goals: Think about where you want your career to go and what principles will guide you there. Your aspirations often reflect your core values.

The key is to be honest with yourself and focus on the values that consistently drive your decisions and behavior in professional settings. Once identified, these core values can serve as a foundation for authentic and effective professional communication. So you are able to use value as a guidance, and build a set of differentiated competencies to achieve more.


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