Wednesday, September 18, 2024


 Innovation is, "intentional novelty bringing sustainable advantage.”

Innovation involves new ways of bringing together ideas and resources to create something novel and then transforming those novel ideas to achieve business value.

Innovation is doing something better than it currently is. The broader the scope, scale, and impact of the change, the more one leans towards calling such change an innovation.

Innovation vs. Process: Creativity is about generating novel idea flows, and the process is about managing flows from chaos. There is tension between creativity and process. Without process, there is chaos, and from the chaos, it’s hard to be creative, but too rigid processes stifle creativity.

Innovation & Integrity: Integrity is the combination of values, influence, and attitude to improve professionalism and harness innovation. Without a strong commitment to professional integrity, organizations perhaps miss out on opportunities for growth, innovation, and collaboration. This can put them at a competitive disadvantage.

Innovation vs. Inspection: The quality of innovation initiative can improve the innovation success rate. Quality is defined by a number of factors, such as performance, manageability, operability, reusability, reliability, availability, etc. Quality is not just the specific task of one single business department or function; it is one of the management disciplines that need to be taken in a systematic way for managing business innovation. 

There’s a lot of confusion about innovation and there is no magic sauce to guarantee its success. One of the good definitions of innovation is: "to transform the novel ideas into commercial success.” There are different kinds of factors to innovation effective.  In essence, innovation is, "intentional novelty bringing sustainable advantage.”


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