Tuesday, December 3, 2024

In Between

To the lessons we learned in silence, for the goals we set in discipline; we guide ourselves, via our inner compass…

Oh, oh, the world is vast and diverse;

in between the laughter and the tears, 

we develop personal stories;

in between truth and false, 

we refine collective wisdom;

In the whispers of nature, 

we recognize underneath patterns, 

glue up -

 different pieces of puzzles...

In between voice and silence, 

where shadows softly cast;

In the space between the moments, 

can we deepen our thoughts?

Not quite the beginning,

not yet the end,

In this fragile balance, 

we learn how to transcend ourselves.

Walk on the edges, 

where the light meets the dark,

In the uncertainty of the journey, 

we're searching for a purpose.

In between the order and chaos, 

shall we move faster;

every twist and turn, 

every road that we take,

can they lead us to -

the great places,

where our inner self continues to develop strength...

In the ebb and flow of life river, 

are we able to swim promptly;

on the hill and in the valley of our trip,

can we embrace diverse views with fresh thoughts;;

in between light and darkness,

we reflect, recharge, reinvent ourselves;

In between character and charism,

we shape who we are, authentically;

To the lessons we learned in silence, 

for the goals we set in discipline;

we guide ourselves, via our inner compass;

in between the lines, 

shall we walk across boundaries?

in between the stories, 

can we set ourselves free,

reveal truth inspirationally?


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