Sunday, October 20, 2024

Pedagogy va. Andragogy

 The key takeaway is that andragogy recognizes adult learners' need for self-direction, relevance, and application of learning to their lives.

Pedagogy focuses on teaching children and dependent learners. Andragogy focuses on teaching adults and self-directed learners. Pedagogy is more teacher-centered. Andragogy is more learner-centered. Here are the differences between pedagogy and andragogy:

Learner dependence: In pedagogy, learners are more dependent on the instructor. In andragogy, learners are more independent and self-directed

Role of experience: Pedagogy relies less on learners' prior experiences. Andragogy leverages adults' life experiences as a learning resource

Motivation: Pedagogy often uses external motivators (grades, rewards). Andragogy relies more on the internal motivation of adult learners

Learning focus: Pedagogy is more subject-centered. Andragogy is more problem-centered and focused on real-life application

Teacher's role: In pedagogy, the teacher is more of an expert in transmitting knowledge. In andragogy, the teacher acts more as a facilitator of learning

Learning design: Pedagogy uses a more structured, prescribed curriculum. Andragogy allows for more flexibility and learner input in the curriculum.

Reasons for learning: Pedagogy focuses on essential developmental stages for children. Andragogy centers on skills/knowledge for personal/professional development

Learning resources: In pedagogy, the teacher provides most learning resources. In andragogy, learners' experiences and external resources are utilized more

The key takeaway is that andragogy recognizes adult learners' need for self-direction, relevance, and application of learning to their lives, while pedagogy provides more structure and guidance appropriate for young students' developmental needs. However, elements of both can be useful depending on the specific learning context.


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