Sunday, July 14, 2024

Global strangers' Blessing

With all those great global strangers, we are not alone in the fresh places, we greet each other and appreciate the bigger, better world.

In recent months I visited quite a few great metropolitan cities in Europe, Asia, and America, and met lots of friendly global strangers who are not only helpful but also greet me with blessings, it’s interesting and delightful.

Global strangers in Geneva Switzerland: They are friendly, the global strangers always bless me with “Welcome Geneva, enjoy your day." The group of swans at Geneva Lake swam toward me, cheering me up with their special greeting messages. 

Global strangers in London: The staff, especially ladies in museums and libraries are informative and polite, after helping me find certain information, they add some blessings “You are very welcome, have fun and enjoy your visit. “

Global strangers in Paris: They greet people with Bonjour, also show a sense of humor, and asked me to “Bonjour” greeting back, using French to greet and bless people friendly.

Global strangers in Germany: They took your inquiries very seriously, help out, and use English to greet you and followed up with you about your inquiries.

Global strangers in Hong Kong: Kong Kongers always think their city as one of the great tourists' destinations. They are warm-hearted, volunteeringly gave others a hand, cheer up global tourists who asked them directions: " Try this way, in case getting lost again, ask the next. Everyone will help you out here." Though sometimes, they were used to their local dialects, and had language obstacles to communicate with global strangers.

Global strangers in Taiwan: Taiwan is a tourist-friendly island, people there are friendly and polite. They do their best to help you solve problems and wish you the best.

Global strangers in Nanking: In public transportation stations or exhibition centers, usually they have a team of people trying to solve your problems, though most of them speak local dialects, they have good attitudes to help out and greet you friendly.

Global strangers in States: Then I headed back to the United States, visiting a few great big cities both in the East Coast and West Coast.  In Washington DC, the cashier lady in the store greeted me with “have a blessed day.”  In New York City, global strangers say good luck to me. In Chicago, folks working in the exhibition center, public service greeted me friendly by saying “Enjoy the show, have a lovely day.”

Global strangers in Seattle: The most frequent and impressive greetings and blessings I received came from global strangers in Seattle and cheered me up.  

When I strolled over the Pacific Ocean piers or took the public transportations, people greeted me with all different compliments, such as “You look cool, fantastic, by the way, you have great taste.”

In the early morning of a holiday weekend, I passed through the downtown Seattle area and took some photos of modern architecture. A global stranger gentleman at the street made some interesting compliments: “Good morning, have a good day, just let you know, no matter how many pictures you take, you are always young.”  Global strangers in Seattle have a sense of humor and they are sweet.

With all those great global strangers, we are not alone in the fresh places, we greet each other and appreciate the bigger, better world.


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