Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Objective idealism posits an objectively existing mental/spiritual reality, while subjective idealism sees reality as dependent on individual consciousness. 

Objective idealism posits that there is an objective, mind-independent reality, but this reality is fundamentally spiritual in nature. It allows for the existence of material objects but sees them as intrinsically connected to or dependent on consciousness.

Subjective idealism argues that reality only exists in minds/consciousness. Material objects only exist when perceived.

Existence of the external world: Objective idealism accepts the existence of an external world independent of individual minds. Subjective idealism denies or questions the existence of an external world independent of perception.

Source of ideas: Objective idealism sees ideas/forms as existing objectively in reality. Subjective idealism sees ideas as existing only in individual minds.

Relation to realism: Objective idealism tries to reconcile aspects of both idealism and realism. Subjective idealism stands in stronger opposition to realism.

Scope: Objective idealism tends to be more universal/cosmic in scope. Subjective idealism focuses more on individual perception and experience.

In essence, objective idealism posits an objectively existing mental/spiritual reality, while subjective idealism sees reality as dependent on individual consciousness. Objective idealism allows for a more mind-independent existence than subjective idealism does.


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