Thursday, October 10, 2024


 Understood that true knowledge often comes from within and is amplified when shared among those who care for one another.

On a small farm nestled between lush mountains, the people faced a severe drought. Crops were failing, and despair hung in the air like a heavy fog. The farmers prayed fervently to Guanyin, for relief and guidance.

One day, a wise lady named Jel decided to climb the mountain to seek Guanyin’s wisdom directly. She believed that if she could reach the sacred temple at the summit, she might receive a vision or answer to help her people. After a long and arduous journey, she finally reached the temple and knelt before an image of Guanyin.

“Great Guanyin,” she prayed, “our farm suffers greatly. We are in need of your wisdom. How can we survive this drought?” As she sat in silence, contemplating her plea, she noticed a small stream trickling down from the mountain’s edge. It was barely noticeable but persistent. Inspired by this sight, Lady Jel began to reflect on the nature of water—how it flows, adapts, and finds its way around obstacles.

Suddenly, she felt a warm presence envelop her. In that moment of clarity, Guanyin appeared before her, radiating compassion and understanding. “Lady Jel,” she said gently, “the answer lies not only in seeking help but in recognizing the strength within your community.”

Guanyin continued, “Just as water finds its path, so too must you encourage your people to work together. Teach them to gather their resources and share their knowledge. By pooling their strengths and supporting one another, they can create new solutions.”

With newfound determination, Lady Jel descended the mountain and gathered the workers. She shared her experience and Guanyin’s message. Inspired by her wisdom, the people began to collaborate. They dug trenches to channel any available water from distant sources and shared their skills—some built irrigation systems while others planted drought-resistant crops.

As they worked together, hope blossomed within the community. The farmers learned to adapt and innovate, transforming their despair into resilience. Slowly but surely, their efforts bore fruit; green shoots began to emerge from the parched earth. Months later, when rain finally fell upon the farm, it was not just a blessing from above but a testament to their unity and hard work. The workers celebrated not only their survival but also the wisdom imparted by Guanyin through Lady Jel.

From that day forward, they honored Guanyin not just as a figure of compassion but as a symbol of their collective strength and wisdom. They understood that true knowledge often comes from within and is amplified when shared among those who care for one another.

This parable teaches us that wisdom can guide us through difficult times, but it is our ability to collaborate and support each other that ultimately leads to resilience and growth in any community.


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