Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Revisionism advocates for reform over revolution and a more accommodating view of current social systems.

Our global world is diversified and dynamic, from the last generation to the current and future generations, people are eager to change and innovate, in pursuit of a more meaningful life and generating great value.

Traditional sociologism advocates for the revolutionary overthrow of the current system. Revisionism favors an evolutionary, gradual approach to achieving socialism through reforms within the capitalist system.

View of Social System: Some sociologists think that current social systems have some flaws, and need to be revised to adapt to the dynamic society with cross-boundary social interaction. Revisionism argues current social systems can be adapted and improved upon rather than completely replaced.

Class Struggle: Socialism emphasizes the primacy of class struggle. Revisionism downplays class conflict in favor of cross-class cooperation and democratic reforms.

Role of the State: Socialism advocates for workers to seize state power. Revisionism sees the state as a neutral tool that can be used for gradual reform.

End Goal: Socialism aims for a complete transformation to a classless, socialist society. Revisionism seeks to improve conditions within the current social system, with an optimized social ecosystem as a long-term aspiration.

Political Strategy: Socialism focuses on building revolutionary working-class movements. Revisionism emphasizes electoral politics and reformist policies.

Revisionism advocates for reform over revolution and a more accommodating view of current social systems. With rapid changes and increases in cross-boundary mobility, hyperconnectivity, and interdependence, leaders and professionals need to work with interdisciplinary knowledge and common sets of values to optimize the current social or economic system for advancing humanity constantly. 


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