Thursday, January 30, 2025

Right Now

With silence as our music, imagination as our lyrics, we’ll voice out; influence the world with global themes.

The world is spinning so fast, 

let's catch up with its pulse;

from mindset to attitude,

make a positive influence.

Right Now,

In the moment to celebrate holidays, 

let the worries fade away;

brighten up the shadow minds of all sorts, 

keep the beam of wisdom flowing over,

with every step we take, 

steer forward to fit our purpose...

Right now,

let's forget about unpleasant things,

at the moment;

do not hurt-

innocent others in any circumstances;

continue to learn and grow, 

build the quality of life experience...

Time may come and go, 

but deep thoughts won’t fade away so soon;

with every whisper shared, 

a memory is woven into-

a story of all sorts;

let our creative spirits soar,

reimagine how things could be done differently...

in the journey of life,

we’ll always want to achieve more...

Right now, the nature paces up seasonal changes

In this fleeting moment, 

we shouldn't get stuck in the old times;

Holding tight to each other, 

as the world turns to be more interconnected than ever;

with silence as our music, imagination as our lyrics,

we’ll voice out,

influence the world with global themes.


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