IT and marketing can be well blended smoothly, like milk to coffee, and co-create the java of innovation.
At industrial age, organizational functions usually
think and act as silo, it seems to always have conflict when executing business
strategy. Some say marketing is from Mars and IT is from Venus, they ‘think’
differently; or market vs. IT is like oil & water, it is just hard to blend
in. However, by the hyper-connective nature of digitalization, IT and marketing
must work more closely than ever, to create synergy in business innovation,
customer-centricity, information life cycle management, as well as process optimization.
Indeed, according to industrial survey from CIO media, digital-ready CIOs are notably
more determined to forge close relationships with the CMO — 59% cite this as
very strong, compared with 37% of CIOs generally. As CIOs and CMOs move closer
together, their shared expertise can be a powerful voice for monetizing customer
insights. Can market and IT, like milk blended with coffee, co-make a cup of delicious
innovation java?

Both IT and marketing are “creative”: IT and marketing may have different skills, but they have
common traits such as creativity. Marketers
and engineers have different knowledge, skills and behaviors to bring to the
party – so there are differences in business focus and responsibility. Although
there’s perception, that marketing is creative, but too 'flashy', floating on the surface; and IT is logic, but too 'bored, hidden on the background. Indeed, engineers are
actually the creative people as well, they are designing products that are
solving a consumer demand or business need. When marketing communicate to
understand customers better, they need IT support to improve customer
experience; when engineers think outside-the-box and develop interesting
products that create desire, and that directly translates into sales. So IT and
marketing partner can recognize the human aspiration of progress to move
business forward.
engineering and marketing are science. Generally engineers get trained to think systematically and IT
is clearly a scientific discipline, they have input --> process -->
output; while the marketers seems to be more like artist, still, marketing shouldn't be perceived to be superficial only, marketing is a
science as well – just like engineering. There are processes involved in both;
cause & effect like prices versus demand or the cost-time-scope iron
triangle. Many successful
"entrepreneurs" have an engineering background with innovation driven
expertise, and in the mean time, they have a good marketing competence, seeing
what are interested customer contexts, zooming in and out and even looking at
similar contexts in other markets, to learn and adapt elements from those. When
IT and marketing work closely, they can gain understanding of "customer
contexts" and societal contexts in a broader sense, it may be a big
inspiration to come up with radical new thoughts upon business innovation.
IT and marketing collaboration enables systematic innovation
management: If a firm is truly implementing
an ongoing system of innovation, it must operate in an environment where IT and
marketing intersect and where innovation systems are driven by a guided,
process-based approach and set of principles, there must be a convergence of
the two worlds in order to (1) innovate, and (2) market the innovation. One is
not possible without the other, for to truly have a system of innovation, the
entity must have diverse sets of complementary inputs. Linking marketers and
engineers within the process of innovation that generates meaningfully unique
ideas and funnels them into a process of commercialization, where ideas are
validated up front scientifically and investments increase only at the end of
the pipeline during development and delivery. The benefits include: • Puts discipline into an ad hoc and chaotic innovation process, manage and support the process for generating, collecting and reviewing new ideas or concepts.
• Provides a roadmap for the project leader, defining his/her tasks and deliverables, communicate to make process known and understood by everyone in the company.
• Attention to quality of execution, set the criteria for passing, from one phase to another, which is set out in advance.The evaluation points are the quality control checkpoints.
• It is multi-functional collaboration– it collects input from all parties, tear down the walls that separate research, design, and manufacturing.
• It is coherent and adaptable– activities are done concurrently rather than sequentially
• Estimating the return on investment of each idea and continuously review it if the idea is taken forward.

Management needs to understand that in order for each department to function at peak efficiency and performance, each department's natural talents & tendencies need to be encouraged to the max and simultaneously, management needs to promote interdepartmental trust, alliance, and joint problem-solving. The goal for such cross-functional collaboration is to create digital synergy: Focusing on business strategy and identifying key stakeholders is better in most cases; strategizing who to include for change management might be an important consideration; whatever your business goal is defined as, you would add marketing and engineering to the team to create synergies and end with a vision both departments are exuberant about. And then, IT and marketing can be well blended smoothly, like milk to coffee, and co-create the java of innovation.
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