Fundamental to all leadership is vision!
Every leader is unique,and they may also have different leadership style: the pivotal leaders are pathfinder to look
forward, and discover the new trail to let others follow through; the seasoned
leaders have plenty of experience, look back with rich and invaluable leadership
lessons to learn from. Forward looking or with
an eye on the history and culture - both could be essential.What kind of
leader do you prefer? Which leadership style do you have?
Fundamental to all leadership is vision. Vision, is the ability to see beyond what is to what could be. It is the synthetic view of ‘looking forward” and “looking behind”; “looking beyond”, and “looking around”; leaders understand that the first element of vision is a realistic, meaningful understanding of what is. This demands both situational awareness for current circumstance as well as certain knowledge of history to evaluate how we get where we are and what lessons have been learned along the way. With that cognizance, leadership means to looking forward, to first envision the future that is improved or "better" in certain way from the present, then to communicating that vision to others, developing team level commitment to achieving the vision, engaging strategically and tactically in the elements needed to make the vision possible, these are all supporting components of effective leadership.
Forward thinking leaders always look and move forward. They say your windshield is larger than your rear view mirror
for a reason. When we jump into the digital future of VUCA –Volatility,
Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity, looking forward needs AAA –attitude, aptitude
and altitude. Forward thinking leaders always look and move forward. Like the
car analogy, one should use the forward view to state where we are going and while
using the rear view perspective as a risk analysis tool. Further, it's a bird's eye
view that is needed. You
can't just look behind you, because you can't affect the past even if you can
learn from it. You can't look ahead only, as you'll repeat past mistakes. The great leaders stand up as
high as they can and look in every direction they could to view the landscape, seeing
the world as it is, where it's moving, but also where it could be, then they
sit down and drive with purpose
Historical lessons are important as well -“those who fail to
learn from history are doomed to repeat it." For every individual, back view mirror is very important to
learn from errors / mistakes / short comings or whatever we can call. A
leader must have a solid grasp on what has been tried before and analyze why
those initiatives didn't succeed. Have the right staffs been chosen for the
task? Were they given proper resources? Was there organizational buy-in from
senior management as well as affected departments? Was it the best solution to
reach the goal? The rear mirror is the tool to make sure we understand where we
are, any immediate gaps or dangers that make the forward view unrealistic.
We must see where we are going. We need to see what is behind us, but not at
the cost of losing our visibility forward. The past is in view only to allow us
to recognize possible conflicts that could approach from where we have been. By
focusing forward we are able to more accurately judge the coming curves and
obstacles in our path. Be
careful, there are still some blind spots on the way. After that
analysis, the leader can assess the current environment, be forward thinking
and develop sound strategies to achieve positive outcomes.

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