Innovation is a discipline that, if understood fully, reads more like a blueprint than science fiction.
The dictionary defines invention as 'a product of the imagination' and Innovation as "the act or process of introducing new ideas, devices, or methods." Everyone has, at least, one good idea that is capable of invention and innovation, great or small, manifested by overcoming that inner fear. And innovation does not just accidentally happen, it can be managed in a more systematic way. But first, you need to figure out: What triggers innovation?

The essence of innovation is made of trying new combinations of known things: It's the essence of evolution. Each human being is a potential innovation by definition as you won't find two humans that are exactly the same. We are all new combinations of the known. The traits of innovation include:
- simply about how some people can see what's around easily and effortlessly discover a better way to do it
-is capable of innovation if they are capable of silencing the noise in the mind and thinking outside the conditioned mind and without fear.
-would also add that parallel thinking and tangential thinking provide more opportunity for innovation than linear thinking
-What many see as innovation is actually problem-solving: a simple process of deduction to derive a solution drawing from knowledge, experience, or a pool of data.
Knowledge and practices are relevant to innovation; doing more results in more opportunity for innovation: Innovation comes with the increased knowledge and understanding of facts. You never know how innovative you might be in some field before encountering the problems and before the adoption of solutions. Innovators are often the individuals that are so passionate about the jobs that they live on their own time (work-related hobbies, testing theories, products, and applications) and they can focus better on what they are doing by diminishing distraction. If that kind of employee is working for you; not only do you have assurance, you are getting value for the compensation you are spending, you cannot help but get better results.
Innovation is a strategic choice: If you want to be an "innovative organization," you shape your current business structure to match your current stack rank of areas where innovation will reap the most significant benefit. Innovation then happens in three ways - it enhances your CORE technology, it finds a better balance with ADJACENT technology, or it is completely new, which is TRANSFORMATIVE. Innovation isn't a magic word. Innovation is a discipline that, if practiced well and understood fully, reads more like a blueprint than science fiction. Innovation is only a strategic choice if you are in possession of some how-tos. Believing it is possible for anyone is a necessary, but insufficient condition for successful execution. Giving people the how-to makes all the difference. In addition, emphasizing that innovation is a journey that enables people to pace themselves and recognize that innovation is not an on-off switch. There will be ups and downs along the way and you need the resilience to make the trip to completion. Innovation includes both breakthrough and incremental improvement. Improvement has two parts to it: (1) Acceptance that perfection is impossible, that there's always room for improvement (2) a commitment to improvement followed by actions that implement improvement.
Brainstorming activates creativity which can be transformed into innovation: The key to brainstorming is not to evaluate your ideas. Just let the ideas flow. Since most of the people have allowed themselves to get pre-programmed by the hidden hand in society and are only able to think along preprogrammed neural pathways. In order to think out-of-box and to "silence the noise of the mind," one needs to be involved in a menial task that does not require much of a conscious effort to execute, thus allowing background operations to run such as brainstorming a solution to a problem. Innovation is all about the madness of solving problems and doing things in a newer way. So a few innovation traits include:
-A: Learn to forget (not use) what you have been "educated" in the past.
-B: Start using the other half brain for a change.
-C: Learn to trust and follow your gut FEELINGS to capture insight
Change is flow and is necessary, but innovation should bring healthy, sustainable change with more pros than cons. People are all part of the Status Quo and it isn't until they are forced by circumstances, that you change. You are driven to change and improve, as things change, the old paradigm becomes incompatible with the new reality and there occurs a digital paradigm shift, we will need to focus on innovation rather than over-specification. This may be very painful, but very helpful in a reassessment of what we stand for as a race.
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