Agility within and of itself is a strategy.
Agility is not only the ability to create the change, but also the capability to adapt to the changes. Within an IT, organizational agility should be defined as the speed in which the organization can enable the enterprise's goals and objectives as IT strategy is an integral element of business strategy. Agile is a culture as well! It is important to recognize that moving to Agile may require a significant culture change that affects the entire business. It certainly is NOT just a "development thing,” but a mindset.
Agile Mindset Tuning
- Agile is the State of Mind: Almost every organization is using agile today, but the misunderstood idea is that people can 'DO' Agile only. There's not so much to 'do,’ "mechanical agile" will stop at some point because Agile is a state of mind. Ultimately, you need to 'be' Agile.
- Agile Mindset - Agility is the ability to adapt to the changes. At its core, "agile" is a mindset, a way of looking at the world and a way of thinking about work. This mindset is influenced by 12 principles of the Agile Manifesto. It is crucial for successful adoption of a better way of working that the people in the organization begin to embrace the values and principles, and then they look at the set of practices which will work for them at the level they are at. The twelve Agile Principles/guidelines of Agile can shape 12 types of minds that integrated into which being called Agile Mindset
- Three Aspects of “Being Agile”: Many organizations are transforming from doing Agile to being agile, scale the agile philosophy, methodology and practices to run the business as an Agile Innovator. But many such initiatives fail to achieve the expected result, and most of the businesses still get stuck in between, what are the big barriers to be agile? Isn't Agile about transparency too? Why are you not able to have open and constructive conversations about the situation? Why do you have to act beneath the company's radar screen? Is "Being Agile" a crucial stage of becoming a Digital Master?
- The “Holding Accountability” in Agile Philosophy: Accountability is “the obligation of an individual or organization to account for its activities, accept responsibility for them, and to disclose the results in a transparent manner.” ( To extend the definition, accountability not only means to accept the responsibility for what you DO but also what you SAY, say what you do, do what you say, no rumor-mongering, not backbiting. More specifically, how to practice the "holding accountability" in Agile philosophy?
The Frictions to Adopt Agile as a Mindset: Agile is the mindset, the philosophy, and the methodology to not only manage software but to run today’s business. The point is how do you make culture transition from traditional setting to agile; and what types of frictions do you experience with Agile?
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