Create and nurture an environment in your organization where curiosity is encouraged, and creative thinking is rewarded.
Cognition: Inclusiveness is a necessity to sow the seeds of innovation. The team members with the cognitive difference can understand things from a different angle, and bring the new perspective to the table. The exercise of blending people's problem-solving abilities to produce the desired outcome is a worthwhile thing to do. It is not just a mere cumulation of the creative inputs of those involved. It is also not only a synchronizing of their individual inputs to make something that no one individual would achieve. It is more than that. It has its own dynamic that is in a state of constant flux. It builds up a momentum that draws creative contributions from the participants that they did not previously conceive or understood they were capable of.
Capacity: Whether creativity can be collective is clear and flows from what seems like an expansive, generous, creative minds, how creative is the team depends on the creative capacity of its member. You can get a diverse group of people together in one room and still not have "creativity" if the participating individuals are not particularly creative. What matters is how creative are the individuals. Hence, the collective creativity depends on varying factors, because the team perhaps have different intents (destructive vs. constructive), different processes (enforcement vs collaboration), different participants (compliant vs. creative), different outcomes (disharmony vs harmony) and different philosophies (openness vs close-mindedness). The workplace needs to be designed to help employees at all levels within an organization (from leaders to front-line) understand and develop their creative capacity to solve problems and exploit opportunities in new and innovative ways, the tool utilizes cutting-edge narrow band psychometrics to diagnose, assess and train the core four factors of creativity namely: cognitive processes, personality, motivation, and confidence.

Given the nature of most companies, integration of the art and science of creativity is proportional to the need to maintain and increase the bottom line. All humans are naturally creative. Create and nurture an environment in your organization where curiosity is encouraged, and creative thinking is rewarded. The great leaders understand this and with that understanding, they build an innovative culture and take their organizations to the pinnacle of unbelievable success of innovation.
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