It's a continuous journey of improving IT performance via developing a set of best/next practices for harnessing IT efficiency, effectiveness, agility, and maturity.
Due to the changing nature of technology, IT has to reinvent itself all the time and IT leadership role continues to involve & shift the focus, to leverage innovation in strategy management and retune performance management as well. Most of IT organizations measure IT via system performance, IT project on budget and on time, or IT department cost commitment, but the most debatable IT measurement discussion is how to measure the VALUE IT delivers to the business, or put simply, customer satisfaction, do IT measure the right things to present to the right audience?

IT Performance Tuning Up July 2016
- Three Steps for IT Performance Improvement When you think of “IT performance,” what comes to mind? Operational excellence such as IT effectiveness or efficiency, or strategic value such as competitive advantage, leadership competency, culture agility or customer satisfaction? What is your understanding about IT performance measurement? Is it an economic measure, or competitive measure or other perceptive values? How are you monitoring quantifying IT department value in your organization? And what are the logical steps for IT performance improvement?
- Three Aspects of IT Performance Measurement? IT organizations today intend to reinvent the tarnished image since traditional IT is still being labeled as a cost center and support desk only. Because its business value hasn’t been conveyed in a structured or quantified way yet. And it only focuses on measuring internal value (cost efficiency, internal customer satisfaction), or the things only internal IT is interested in. The measures often do not reflect the full set of value IT can bring to accelerate business growth or delight end customers. If we can only manage what we measure, the issue here is how to measure IT performance effectively?
- “CIO Master” Book Preview: Chapter 8 Three “P”s in Running Digital IT? Information is like lifeblood, and technology is like a backbone for any digital organization nowadays. However, most IT organizations have a reputation as a cost center and a controller. To reimagine IT potential, reinvent IT management and maximize IT value, it’s important to set guiding principles for practicing the multitude of IT management, manage a healthy IT project/program portfolio, also make a continuous journey of improving IT performance via developing a set of best/next practices for harnessing IT efficiency, effectiveness, and maturity.
- CIO as Chief Improvement Officer: How to Connect the Dots between PI vs. KPI? Performance Indicators (PI) measure progress across a broad range of intended outcomes (goals, objectives, even outputs) and are used at all levels of the organization. Key Performance Indicators can be a subset of PIs, or they can roll several PIs into one (an index). KPIs are used to measure overall progress of the organization toward its mission and primary goals -- they are high-level indicators that everyone in the organization can relate to. KPIs are often used to create corporate dashboards; they can be used in PR documents and other reporting tools to present an organization's outcomes to the public.
- What’s the First Step in Building a Great Performance Dashboard? A performance dashboard is a useful tool to improve management effectiveness and efficiency. But what’s the simple first step enables you to implement useful Performance Dashboards, that ‘ideally’ from day one delivers high-quality performance management information?

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