Tuesday, December 8, 2020

“Unfortunate” Quotes of “Digital Master” Dec. 2020

Sympathy is to feel sorry about the other’s unfortunate circumstances. Empathy is about thinking as if you were in the other party's position. 

"Digital Master” is a series of guidebooks (28 + books) to perceive the multi-faceted impact digital is making to the businesses and society, help forward-thinking organizations navigate through the journey in a systematic way, and avoid “rogue digital.” 

It perceives the emergent trends of digital leadership, provides advice on how to run a digital organization to unleash its full potential and improve agility, maturity, and provide insight about Change Management. It also instructs the digital workforce on how to shape a game-changing digital mindset and build the right set of digital capabilities to compete for the future. Here is a set of “Unfortunate” quotes in “Digital Master.

The most successful people are driven by an unfathomable passion for their craft, differentiated by unique capabilities and uncommon experiences - fortunate or unfortunate.

Ironically, we probably all learned as kids: “Don’t judge the book by its cover,” but unfortunately, we do live in an increasingly “profiled” world that does judge a book by its cover.

Sympathy is an emotional attachment, and empathy is an Emotional Intelligence. Sympathy is to feel sorry about the other’s unfortunate circumstances. Empathy is about thinking as if you were in the other party's position. 

Knowledge is neutral and can be used for good and become beautiful - or it can be used to harm others and becomes ugly. It is unfortunate when we become so narrow in our view that we have to put others down. This is not understanding, this is not knowledge, this is ego!

Unfortunately, in many instances, businesses are looking for someone to plug a gap, complete a project or fill a specific short-term role and opt for the pigeon-hole employees since they work more in the silo.

Innovators see the old problems from every direction and find different solutions. However, the ‘trouble' maker reputation is due to the lack of true democracy in most of the working places. This is unfortunate because such an old system needs innovators more than ever because they will break the chains.

Customer Experience measurement begins and ends with what will satisfy the client. The unfortunate part is that a balance must take place between what the customer values (mostly intangible) and what executive leadership needs to see as an outcome (P&L).

The glass ceiling gets solidified more when you perceive it as a limit, and just grudgingly accept it and keep on justifying the failures and shortcoming of this unfortunate calamity. With this negative mindset, you make the glass ceiling more self-inflicted and you become utterly helpless.


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