Saturday, June 29, 2024


We are in the era of - choice of freedom, choice makes us open-minded, brings us hope, to- explore alternatives…

The world is vast

the journey of life is complex,

we have to make -

choices all the time.

would you get ahead on -

a straight road, or

Choose to -

take a labyrinth path,

discover the vista points of -

your kinds?

Society is diverse, 

uncertainty is -

part of the realm,

would you choose to-

stay in -

the comfort zone, conservatively,

or walk crossroads to-

push the boundaries, courageously?

from west to east,

south to north,

here to there,

darkness to brightness…

There are numerous problems,

we have to handle,

abundant choices,

we need to make;

do not miss -

the big picture,

Should not overlook key points,

wise choices should be made by-

following conscious mind,

instinct gut, determinedly…

We are in-

the era of -

choice of freedom,

choice makes us open-minded, 

brings us hope, to-

explore alternatives;

choice makes us stronger with-

plenty of options;

every choice has-

opportunities, pitfalls in it,

can you explore your inner self,

make clear discernment,

to make better choices coherently?


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