Sunday, June 23, 2024


Pitfalls are - large & small, hard & soft; underneath the surface, make us vulnerable…

Take the hill road to -

go up &down;

ride rolling coaster to -

flip & flop,

move on-

the cursive path towards -

further horizon;

run through 

mysterious way, 

once a while;

each one of us experienced-

the minute of -


the tension of the moment;

how to handle uncertainty,

in front of you;

can you deal with -

emotional turbulence,

behind the wheel?

“VUCA” turns to -

be new normal;

Perils, pitfalls are inevitable; 

are you able to-

identify hidden patterns of chasms

could you push -

the boundaries of differences,

trust but verify…


 “us vs. them” to all humans;

from East & west to -

one world;

keep our footsteps solid;

shift mentality from-

pessimism to optimism?

 Pitfalls are -

large & small,

hard & soft;

underneath the surface,

make us vulnerable;

can we perceive invisible,

tolerate unpredictable

read between the lines,

listen to-

not being told..

transform roadblocks to -

build blocks,

pitfalls to alert;

move forward,



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