Saturday, June 22, 2024


 Although it’s a mid-sized museum with only two floors of exhibitions. NYSCI is a vibrant center for scientific education, I believe it will constantly reinvent itself to entertain and educate people about STEM.

New York City has deep anthropological roots, besides many art museums and galleries, I also visited the New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) which is a dynamic science museum located in Brooklyn, New York City. Most sections such as the science playground and maker space are designed to let young children explore and have fun, so they can learn different physics or chemical phenomena via experimenting and fun games. As an adult, we can also enjoy and learn pieces of science.

Small World: The Small World section at the New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) is an engaging and interactive exhibit that focuses on exploring the microscopic world around us with colorful images, illustrating the diversity and complexity of microscopic life. This interactive approach helps visitors understand the principles of microscopy and the significance of studying the small-scale world, inspiring curiosity about the hidden world of tiny organisms and structures

Connected Worlds: Connected Worlds is a large-scale, immersive environmental exhibit designed to educate visitors about ecological interconnectedness and sustainability. It features several distinct ecosystems, each represented through digital projections on massive screens including deserts, wetlands, rainforests, grasslands, and a river valley, etc. So visitors can explore interconnected environments and learn about sustainability, ecosystems, and the impact of human actions on the environment.

A short film: “Jane Goodale’s Wild Chimpanzees." in 3D theater: It's a documentary film that features Jane Goodall and her groundbreaking work with chimpanzees in Africa. Jane demonstrated her vision and interaction with the natural world and advocated environmental protection. 

Although it’s a mid-sized museum with only two floors of exhibitions. NYSCI is a vibrant center for scientific education, fostering a better understanding and appreciation of STEM disciplines among visitors in exploring the wonders of science through hands-on experiences and exhibits.


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