Monday, September 16, 2024

An Artist’s Insight

True mastery in any craft, begins with mastery of oneself. 

In a remote Andean village, there lived a craft master named Arsol. Her vibrant tapestries were renowned throughout the region for their intricate patterns and stunning colors.

One day, a young apprentice named Lucia came to Arsol, seeking to learn the secrets of her craft. Arsol welcomed the eager student and began to teach her the techniques of making art.

As Lucia practiced, she would often become frustrated when her work did not turn out as she had envisioned. Noticing this, Arsol said, "Lucia, tell me, why do you think your tapestry is not as beautiful as you had hoped?"

Lucia considered the question, then replied, "I'm not sure. I follow the same steps, but the end result is always a bit off."

Arsol nodded and said, "Ah, I see. Let me share with you a lesson I learned long ago. True mastery in  any craft, begins with mastery of oneself."

Lucia listened intently, understanding dawning on her face.

Arsol continued, "In the same way, we must understand our own strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies if we are to create something truly beautiful. Only by being aware of ourselves can we ensure that our actions and intentions are aligned, like the threads of a masterful tapestry."

Lucia nodded, her eyes shining with newfound insight. From that day forward, she approached her own art projects with a deeper sense of self-awareness, carefully considering how her own mindset and habits influenced the outcome of her work.

Over time, Lucia's tapestries became increasingly intricate and breathtaking, and she went on to become a renowned artist in her own right, all thanks to the lessons of the wise Arsol and the importance of self-knowledge.


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