Friday, September 6, 2024


 The concept of "fathomness" when applied to human consciousness captures its profound mystery, vast complexity, and the ongoing challenge of comprehending the nature of subjective experience and awareness. 

The nature of consciousness and its relationship to the physical world remains a profound philosophical and scientific mystery that seems "fathomless" or impossible to fully grasp.

Consciousness is often described as having a "fathomless" quality, referring to its depth, complexity, and difficulty to fully comprehend or measure. 

Gaps between subjective and objective experience: There is considered to be an "explanatory gap" or "fathomless abyss" between inner subjective conscious experience and the physical matter. This highlights the challenge of explaining how physical processes give rise to subjective experience. Some perspectives view consciousness as potentially extending beyond the individual brain, tapping into a vaster, fathomless universal consciousness or mind.

“Fathomless sea" of mental substance: The subconscious mind is sometimes described as a "fathomless sea" of mental substance, suggesting its vast and unknowable depths. Introspection and examination of one's own consciousness can reveal seemingly fathomless layers of thoughts, feelings, and mental processes. Mystical experiences are often characterized as revealing fathomless depths of consciousness beyond ordinary awareness.

Fathomless philosophical puzzle: The hard problem of consciousness - explaining how and why we have qualitative subjective experiences - is considered by many to be a fathomless philosophical puzzle. To be conscious is to be aware and engaged with both the inner world of thought, feeling, and choice and the exterior world of experience and interaction.

The concept of "fathomless" when applied to human consciousness captures its profound mystery, vast complexity, and the ongoing challenge of comprehending the nature of subjective experience and awareness. It points to consciousness as having depths and dimensions that may extend beyond our current scientific and philosophical understanding.


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