Sunday, September 15, 2024


There are known unknowns and unknown unknowns, we need to keep discovering the truth and understanding different supernature or super talent phenomena. 

Telekinesis, also known as psychokinesis, is the supposed ability to move or manipulate objects using only the power of the mind. The most common form of telekinesis involves moving objects without physical contact. This can range from small, light objects to larger, heavier ones depending on the user's skill and power level. 

Some basic applications include:

-Lifting and moving objects

-Levitation (self-levitation)

-Bending or breaking objects

Advanced Applications: More sophisticated uses of telekinesis can involve:

Microscopic Manipulation

-Manipulating atoms or molecules

-Affecting electronic devices by controlling electron flow

-Influencing biological processes (healing or harming)

Energy Manipulation

-Controlling earth elements

-Manipulating light waves or photons

-Creating force fields or energy barriers

-Matter Transformation

Changing the shape or state of objects

Some proposed explanations for how it might theoretically work include:

-Manipulation of electromagnetic fields: The idea that the mind could generate and control electromagnetic fields to exert force on objects.

-Quantum effects: Some have suggested telekinesis could involve influencing quantum processes at the subatomic level, though this remains highly speculative.

As-yet-undiscovered fundamental forces: The possibility that there could be additional forces of nature beyond the known fundamental forces that could allow mind-matter interaction.

Psychic energy: The concept of an invisible mental energy or force that could be directed to affect physical objects.  

There are known unknowns and unknown unknowns, we need to keep discovering the truth and understanding different supernature or super talent phenomenon. Any apparent demonstrations would require persuasive evidence to be accepted by the scientific community.  Understanding these unusual phenomena and how they function and doing deep research on special talent form the basis of superscience. It becomes the breakthrough movement for us to know our profound universe and appreciate our beautiful planet. 


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