Sunday, September 15, 2024


Imagination, ingenuity, inspiration, etc. are all crucial ingredients to develop innovation.

Because innovating in today’s digital world has become increasingly complex in nature, we need more creative talent who can think beyond their own domains; more innovators who can experiment with new ways to solve problems; more influencers for pursuing truth, reality, and wisdom by taking a multi-logical path,  more solutionists who try alternative ways to solve problems;  more change agents who can lead transformative changes. Being innovative to reinvent ourselves for driving transformative changes. 

Imagination leads to discovery. Discovery is both an event and a process. Knowledge is fundamental. But without the imagination to "believe in the possible," innovation may not happen. Imagination is the seed to grow innovation. An open mind leads to imagination, and imagination leads to discovery. innovation starts with an idea. Imagination can be seen as helping one expand the initial idea and building a set of hypotheses about how the product of the idea will look like, and how the customers will react to the product.

Ingenuity is at the edge of art and science, functioning and delight. Human ingenuity often involves some most complex multidimensional thought processes. To be ingenuous, you need to be original. Ingenuity is the qualification to be creative, insightful, and inventive. Ingenuity means being original and fresh, having the ability to challenge assumptions, conclusions, and beliefs, and being able to contemplate multiple, even conflicting views of a situation, to figure out alternative solutions. 

Insight: Innovation is the light all organizations are pursuing; but do you have a unique insight to spur creative ideas and generate great value inspirationally? Insight is about seeing things via different angles, around the corner, and beyond the obvious. So insight does not just fuel creativity but also makes creativity more tangible and embeds creativity with other thought processes to create value and produce new knowledge.

Today, innovation can happen anywhere, anytime; it expands both horizontally and vertically. Imagination, ingenuity, inspiration, etc. are all crucial ingredients to develop innovation. Being innovative is the state of mind to think and do things from a new angle, and it’s a critical element to develop innovation as a unique capability to gain a competitive advantage in the face of fierce competition and rapid change.


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