Thursday, September 5, 2024


 Respect needs to be an important cultural characteristic in a benevolent human society.

Modern society is complex with all sorts of dynamics and diversity, gaining respect is a tough journey, you need to have knowledge power, authority power, and influence power.

Anthropology is the study of human beings and their societies, cultures, and behaviors, both past and present. What are the important parameters of respect from an anthropologic perspective?

People respect those who have high work ethic and professionalism: Although modern society is diverse, people come from different regions, and have different cultural backgrounds, and professions; people may have different value systems for trust and respect. But as a human society, there is a common set of parameters for evaluating work ethic and professionalism. 

To shape a more advanced society; it's always crucial to emphasize the importance of the moral character rather than specific actions. Value judgments are related to the cultivation of virtues and moral character, suggesting a more holistic view of ethics. Being a professional today not only refers to a set of skills to finish certain tasks, but also to having a fitting mindset, attitude, and behavior to gain respect; and respect others, for co-shaping a respectable organization and society. 

People respect those with fresh insight and strong character: People misunderstand or mistrust each other because of mis-perceptual bias; it generates numerous problems and enlarges gaps across different boundaries. People respect those who can share fresh insight, not just any knowledge, but relevant and updated knowledge to make objective judgments to build a better world. Character conveys authenticity, consistency, and courage. People respect those who demonstrate strong character because they are able to think, communicate, and act consistently; and drive transformative changes courageously. 

People respect those who demonstrate great talent and strong discipline: Talent inspires people to move forward; talent drives societal evolution; talent shines in the dark day; people respect those with great talent as they set good examples others can follow; those talents can benefit them here or there; generate multifaceted value. But talent is both natural and nurtured. Talent needs to be crafted through strong discipline and resource investment. By respecting talent and developing empathy, we can unlock human potential and advance humanity. 

Respect needs to be an important cultural characteristic in a benevolent human society. There are many reasons we need to respect each other to improve professionalism and shape a fairer and more advanced human society. Follow the golden rule: respect others as you want to be respected. There are quite a few ways to get respected and there are professional qualities to get respected, such as your mindset and actions and how the results you produce impact others, and your surroundings in the long run. It is a strong pillar to build a great human society.



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