Monday, September 16, 2024

Right vs. Wrong

Right vs. wrong, are you clear or obscure? Unify or divide; promise or compromise;  sweet or bitter; interesting or tedious?

Right vs. wrong,
tough choice, 

all the time;

Isn't it like-

 the two sides of -

the same coin?

Which color theme could it be?

what shapes can you imagine?

Is it objective or subjective?

individual phenomenon or universal wisdom?

"I am right, you are wrong,"

isn't such an argument truly intriguing,

can you make sound judgment,

based on-

truth, common beliefs?

People always look at the world,

 the way as to -

how they want it to be,

the sunshine on this side,

the rainstorm on the other side?

no one is always right,

we wish people had -

a positive mind,

fresh eyes,

to look at the sky from-

 all different sides.

We are so same & different,

as unique human beings;

we have the ability to -

live, act, grow,

by following our own set of rules;

see things differently;

perceive differently;

do the "right & wrong," of our kinds.

Right vs. wrong,

are they clear or obscure?

unify or divide;

promise or compromise;

sweet or bitter;

interesting or tedious;

philosophical or sociological?


Right vs. wrong,

often twisted around;

puzzling over;

do not rush up to -

take the side;

can we share fresh insight,

discover absolute right;

figure out the edge point,

make us more right than wrong?

Shall we be open to “wrong?

 if ever it provokes our thoughts, 

enriches our experiences,

teaches us invaluable lessons,

makes us strong, for the long run


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