Wednesday, September 4, 2024


 The gardener continued to tend their plot, both outer and inner, nurturing the known and the unknown, the familiar and the foreign, trusting in the wisdom of the subconscious to guide the way.

There was once a diligent gardener lady called Nion who tended to their plot of land with great care. Each morning, they would walk the rows, carefully examining the soil and the young seedlings, ensuring they had the proper nutrients and moisture to thrive.

One day, Nion decided to experiment. They gathered a handful of various seeds - some from their own crops, and others from exotic and unfamiliar plants. With great intention, the gardener planted these seeds, watered them, and waited patiently for them to sprout. As the days passed, the gardener noticed the familiar crops emerging first, growing tall and strong as expected. But then, to their surprise, the unfamiliar seeds also began to push through the soil, reaching toward the sun.

The gardener marveled at this, for they had done nothing different in tending to these new plants. "How curious," they thought, "that these seeds, which I know nothing about, are able to germinate and grow on their own."

It was then that Nion realized the true power of the subconscious mind. Just as these seeds contained an innate intelligence, programmed to sprout and flourish without the gardener's constant supervision, the human mind also possessed an unseen, subconscious realm - a vast and fertile garden, where thoughts, memories, and impulses took root and blossomed, often without our conscious awareness.

From that day on, the gardener approached their cultivation of the land, and their own inner landscape, with a renewed sense of wonder and respect. They understood that the subconscious was an ally, a silent partner in the dance of growth and transformation, ever-present and ever-attuned to the needs of the whole.

And so, the gardener continued to tend their plot, both outer and inner, nurturing the known and the unknown, the familiar and the foreign, trusting in the wisdom of the subconscious to guide the way.


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