Saturday, June 24, 2023


The progress of -the world needs to- be pulled together by-influential globalists, who- demonstrate clear vision, profound insight, sound judgment; carry themselves in- global contexts, fluently…

Our global world is -

forced to-

"grow out" of-

an old paradigm,

because of -

information fluidity;

social mobility;

being global is about -

crossing not just-

geographical borders,

but also cultural divides;

for globalists who-

live in -

today's knowledge economy,

the good time comes if -

they are-

relentless learners,

persuasive communicators,

fluent experts,

inspirational influencers,

being able to-

see the world with-

fresh eyes,

open mind, far-sightedly,

know how to -

collaborate with-

stakeholders of -

all stripes, influentially.

Global society blends -

old traditions & new concepts;

darkness & brightness,

stale knowledge & fresh information,

the worst time comes,

if you dislike change, learning

lack of sound judgment,

there is a possibility,

you are inundated in -

the information ocean,

get lost in-

the culture dessert with-

a lot of struggling.

Globalists today are fluent in -

a diversity of thoughts,

empathetic communication;

to bridge-

the world of differences,

develop global skills, styles, proactively;

they are-

confident and humble at the same time,

not only see through -

the eyes of someone,

who is different,

but also have to -

think through -

the clue of-

varying cognitive logic, insightfully.

The progress of -

the world needs to-

be pulled together by-

influential globalists, who-

demonstrate clear vision,

profound insight

sound judgment;

carry themselves in-

global contexts, fluently;

convincing, persuading,

negotiating, collaborating

to make worldwide influence,



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