Friday, June 30, 2023


An innovative organization can fine-tune innovation management as a differentiated capability and master innovation in a structural way.

In thinking about the world, we long to bring some kind of order to it, we inevitably see connectivity and the possibility of change for evolution.

 Today innovation can happen anywhere and anytime. It expands both horizontally and vertically. Organizations should appreciate their innovators because they can lift the business out of the stagnation and lead the company toward the next level of the growth trajectory.

Innovation comes with the foresight to envision a need that others ignore and a willingness to forge ahead, in spite of a risk of failure: The shareholders who highly value innovation would rejuvenate creative energy, define the right dose of appetite, and devote more resources towards innovation. The gaps between knowledge and insight are about the depth of understanding. To close the understanding gaps and come up with unconventional solutions, we have to really dig beneath the superficial layer, transcend the interdisciplinary knowledge to gain contextual insight beneath the surface; and come up with better ways.

To truly understand people’s concerns and solve their problems innovatively, it’s important to listen attentively, explore information selectively. see things through different angles, discover special clues underneath or between critical issues, figure out the potential answers or solutions. All of which can open your mind and make communication invaluable for ultimate innovation success.

It’s crucial to make a periodical assessment of innovation personas: Innovators bring up open-mindedness, creative energy and unconventional wisdom. There are all sorts of innovation personas such as idea generators, facilitators, navigators, integrators, implementers, assessors, etc. The open atmosphere is critical for the success of innovation management. In order to build an innovative workplace, learn how to sense and visually interpret energy around us, between us, between us and nature. Assign the roles and responsibilities to people involved in innovation management processes.

Being innovative requires an authentic self, confident attitude, with a beginner’s fresh eyes, with a thirst for knowledge, insight, and wisdom. Beneath the ego is the desire to have meaning and the knowledge to broaden perspectives or deepen understanding. It's essential to have people who can generate lots of original ideas; it’s also important to have people who can implement ideas smoothly. It's equally important to have people who can evaluate these ideas! It's knowing when you are the right person at the right time at the right place, play the right personas to drive innovation successfully. Collaboratively, the commitment is that we are all in this together and have our passions focused on a goal to achieve innovation excellence.

Innovating organization carries a sense of "evolution" which means a renewed understanding of the future of business: We've deliberately aimed our courses to be practical for any company who wants to enable the continued growth through innovation. As we all know we don't live in an ideal world where we can pick the perfect innovation team. Innovation team members exhibit creative traits and complementary skill sets that make them better able to generate good ideas, and have sound judgments upon how to solve problems alternatively; for what can be called "implementable innovation."

So innovation is often dependent on business insight because you can't change an organization without insight. What’re the disruptive trends; how your organization catalyzes innovations and how much better one can do to spur creativity. The customer-centric organizational design has to become much more organic in the sense that it’s melded with business processes, structures, functions, etc, to make the business more dynamic and innovative.

The importance of innovation has increased as the business has the pressure to achieve more from innovation. Innovation has an expanded scope and radical innovation is benefiting the widest audience of the business ecosystem. An innovative organization can fine-tune innovation management as a differentiated capability and master innovation in a structural way.


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